Woolly Blue
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  • Evening Paul how are you today mate.
    Woolly Blue
    Woolly Blue
    I'm sound mate. You OK ?

    Someone had to thread ban you on Sergei's thread while he was getting help with his new flat. Sometimes stuff gets serious and we have to make sure threads don't go too off topic.
    Why have I been demoted from KING to a PEASANT?
    Woolly Blue
    Woolly Blue
    Ah, right.

    Your account went weird when you were banned. We don't have a blame culture, but if we did ...

    ... @micknick

    Don't think I can fix it properly, but I'll ask an admin to look at it

    Edit : Just gave it a go and you've got the Forum Supporter banner back so hopefully you have clique access now.
    Deleted member 28206
    Why you lie woolo :(
    Woolly Blue
    Woolly Blue
    Mainly cos I don't have a clue what I'm doing ?

    Can you PM me the email address you used you used to pay for the upgrade via Paypal ? Danny needs that to sort it out.
    Hi Paul how are you today mate
    Woolly Blue
    Woolly Blue
    I'm good mate. I'll be leaving home in about half an hour to go to the match. Hope we can win this one !
    I would like to appeal my ban from the double posts thread. I was not playing the ref, I was merely advising that drama queen high maintenance poster to kindly be quiet as the moderation team have far more pressing things to attend to. Thanks
    Cheeky sod x
    Woolly Blue
    Woolly Blue
    Fair point that !

    All the talk of tomorrow's game has reminded me to check what the crack is for the match-review clique ...
    I think McB is up next and I'm set for D&R, however am going away and not certain on the internet connection where I'm going.
    Woolly Blue
    Woolly Blue
    Fair enough, I've just updated stuff in the convo so we can rejig stuff if you can't do the 3rd round
    If you worked for me ( perish the thought on both sides ) and you weren't delivering, I would have had that sort of conversation with you. You'd have probably gone off in a strop and sulked, but it appears that Martinez is made of sterner stuff, took on board some of the criticisms, turned things round and everyone ended up being happy.

    Woolly Blue
    Woolly Blue
    Soz mate
    I'm a capitalist pig and sometimes it shows.
    • Like
    Reactions: orly
    Not going to lie, I enjoyed it.

    His keyboard is getting the Aldo's wife treatment as we speak.
    Merry Christmas to you and your Kin. Have a peaceful Christmas and a great New Year. From all at Twain Towers. X
    Woolly Blue
    Woolly Blue
    Thank you kindly Donald.
    Please give my best to your good lady wife for Christmas.

    Ooo, err matron !
    Donald Twain
    Donald Twain
    It's not Christmas without a bit of Carry on! Lol. Cheers mate.
    So hang on Roberter was Mick all along? I assume that Andyefc was too?
    Woolly Blue
    Woolly Blue
    Christ no, Robertor wasn't Rapper Murph. Andy_efc was Robertor, but even Mick's fantasies paled into insignificance compared to young Andy's !
    I see. Thought maybe since he was banned after the vaulting that he mighta been Mick.
    Woolly Blue
    Woolly Blue
    No, more for what he'd said in the depression thread and convos he'd had with folk by PM.

    Don't really mind people living out an online fantasy, but there comes a point when some claims can get out of hand.
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