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  • Users: Jonte
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  1. J

    most enjoyable activity on website of year #1

    Hi again, Angel. Thanks for understanding. Jon X
  2. J

    most enjoyable activity on website of year #1

    Hello, Phillip, you pedant. That ship’s sailed, so to coin an Anglo/American phrase: bore off ol’ chum.
  3. J

    most enjoyable activity on website of year #1

    And let me guess, my fellow colonial poster, you’re a: Taurean; Incipid; Texan? No need to answer that one.
  4. J

    most enjoyable activity on website of year #1

    Even I’m not that obtuse to realise that the continued use of the ‘gold’ rhetoric will see me cruising towards a ban, D x
  5. J

    most enjoyable activity on website of year #1

    You seem quite an intelligent sort, so I sincerely doubt your apparently ‘bewildered’ reply.
  6. J

    most enjoyable activity on website of year #1

    Hi Anjel I also put kisses on texts to my male friends, but I take your point - and for that ‘misunderstanding’ as I think Mafuh put it, I sincerely apologise for causing offence. I guess I just don’t distinguish between anyone. But I do call Americans ‘Yanks’ because they will persist in...
  7. J

    most enjoyable activity on website of year #1

    What a surprise to note that yet again @JimmyJeffers isn’t far from stirring it.
  8. J

    most enjoyable activity on website of year #1

    You seem a decent sort, Tommy. But she’s hard-faced enough to fight her own battles.
  9. J

    most enjoyable activity on website of year #1

    You’re a bit of a bully on the side, sweet heart, aren’t you? Talking about taking sides and pointing out that I’m not a forum supporter (thanks for that) and I don’t have favourable feedback or whatever it is. Really trying your best here to single me out. I didn’t realise all this was a...
  10. J

    most enjoyable activity on website of year #1

    You Yanks do bear your grudges.
  11. J

    most enjoyable activity on website of year #1

    Alright. Turn in it now, luv. It’s getting a bit ‘samey’. It might give a cheap thrill to the box-bedroom dwellers like @Daveysgingerlovechild, but it’s boring the asre off the rest of us.
  12. J

    most enjoyable activity on website of year #1

    Take a deep breath, and take some time out.
  13. J

    most enjoyable activity on website of year #1

    The joke was on the lads that Bungle posted in his humorous post, not you. Perhaps we can agree that the myrth was lost in translation.
  14. J

    most enjoyable activity on website of year #1

    Calm down, hun. Just a touch of Scouse humour ;)
  15. J

    most enjoyable activity on website of year #1

    Just wait until they find out @Sassy Colombian is really a man mountain of a skin ‘ead from the poor end of Bootle. Still you can’t help but admire his ‘tache.
  16. J

    2020/21 Carlo Ancelotti

    Attention seeker.
  17. J

    New Everton Manager ???
  18. J

    Nuno Espírito Santo Tactical Analysis (or anyone else who becomes fav)

    Great post but devalued by :’Mason Holgate, accomplished ball player’. Plus playing out from the back is so 2009.
  19. J

    New Everton Manager

    Word on street: Aldo’s expressed a keen interest.
  20. J

    New Everton Manager