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  1. J'aime Les Bleus

    Moyes or Benitez ???

    Hmm, do I want cancer of my testes, or cancer of my brain? Neither is a great choice, right. We have one, though, and we have to deal with it until we find a cure. Him being sacked, or him being a winner for us. I think it'll be the former, rather than the latter. Until that day, we take it...
  2. J'aime Les Bleus

    Fabian Delph

    He's had about one whole game in two years, and yes, he was fine, but he's not for us, his contract is up, thank all the Gods, and hopefully we move on, and learn our 'kin lessons.
  3. J'aime Les Bleus

    Was Alan Brazil Right All Along?

    No, he wasn't. Teams move on, managers do too. Even though we haven't, I doubt we would have under Moyes, either. It's really time to put this to bed. He's doing well, fair play, but he needed fresh pastures too. And the day I listen to that fat alch has not yet dawned.
  4. J'aime Les Bleus

    2021/22 Anthony Gordon

    Bit mardy in here, innit. Good game from Anthony today. Long may it continue. Until we replace him with someone who'll do it better, regularly.
  5. J'aime Les Bleus

    2021/22 Anthony Gordon

    I thought the lad did really well today, but I can't help thinking he's like Davies (who also did well), and that we need better all round.
  6. J'aime Les Bleus

    Match Thread Everton v Tottenham Hotspur - Preview, Match Report and MotM Poll

    Considering so many had offered to drive him to the Services with a sign around his neck, it's a 'kin miracle.
  7. J'aime Les Bleus

    Match Thread Everton v Tottenham Hotspur - Preview, Match Report and MotM Poll

    Gone Allan, cos he was on longer than Delph, but fair play to Delph, he was pretty good today. Hard one tbh, cos no one really stood out completely. Richy grafted, Townsend and Gray ran their asses off, Coleman was fine, even Digne looked like he was a bit more normal. No one was "bad", bar one...
  8. J'aime Les Bleus

    Match Thread Everton v Tottenham Hotspur - Preview, Match Report and MotM Poll

    Had a spell on Twitter, so it's kinda second nature anyways, tbh.
  9. J'aime Les Bleus

    2021/22 Rafael Benitez

    No insult intended, if you're not a part of the regime, then it wasn't meant for you. ;)
  10. J'aime Les Bleus

    2021/22 Rafael Benitez

    You actually change his name to Rafael, right? I didn't know that was a thing, I thought y'all were just weird. I'm sure this is how N*z*sm started. ;)
  11. J'aime Les Bleus

    2021/22 Rafael Benitez

    They're better than us, full stop, and would have done so anyways. Not saying we're in a good place, and should keep our fella, but they would have anyhow. And that has no bearing on today, where we were slightly the better side. Rafael did nothing wrong today.
  12. J'aime Les Bleus

    Match Thread Everton v Tottenham Hotspur - Preview, Match Report and MotM Poll

    I'll be chewing him up like a Rottweiler with a fresh steak, within a month, I'm sure.
  13. J'aime Les Bleus

    2021/22 Rafael Benitez

    We're awful, really bad, so a point has to be worth it today, no? Like, it wasn't Wolves, first half, or Watford, second, was it? At least there were some cojones shown, right? And as bad as you think Spurs are, they'll finish above us, most likely, cos we are crap, without substantial...
  14. J'aime Les Bleus

    2021/22 Rafael Benitez

    Don't know what he did wrong today, tbh. I'm fine if you wanna try and educate my ass, but I'm also happy to counter-argue, if I think yer a wum/bs merchant.
  15. J'aime Les Bleus

    Match Thread Everton v Tottenham Hotspur - Preview, Match Report and MotM Poll

    We have no players to choose from, bar ex-crocks, current-crocks, and whatever's left from 5 different regimes. It's really no wonder. But I think that was miles better today. That's not saying you're wrong.
  16. J'aime Les Bleus

    Match Thread Everton v Tottenham Hotspur - Preview, Match Report and MotM Poll

    I disagree. Delph was puffing, despite him having maybe his best game for us, that I remember, and TD did fine, tbf. Allan was ace again, and I know he didn't want off, but he was puffing too. And the Gbamin one, worked in the end, with a good header away from a dangerous free kick, cos Gray was...
  17. J'aime Les Bleus

    Match Thread Everton v Tottenham Hotspur - Preview, Match Report and MotM Poll

    How come they end up with the ball? I can't fathom it.
  18. J'aime Les Bleus

    Match Thread Everton v Tottenham Hotspur - Preview, Match Report and MotM Poll

    Tbf, that's the obvious, and correct, answer.
  19. J'aime Les Bleus

    Match Thread Everton v Tottenham Hotspur - Preview, Match Report and MotM Poll

    Annoys the hell out of me, that. He got back up, and a commentator said that's why it's not a pen, but if he stays down, he's dived. I'm still not sure, but why no advantage for a start, with their 'keeper off his line, and Richy in possession?
  20. J'aime Les Bleus

    Match Thread Everton v Tottenham Hotspur - Preview, Match Report and MotM Poll

    I didn't catch that. Was it some anti-Moshiri/Rafael/Brands/Everton in general, thing?