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  1. Nordecke

    Word Association Thread

  2. Nordecke

    What are you currently listening to?

    Ohio- Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young
  3. Nordecke

    What are you currently listening to?

  4. Nordecke

    Tim's Beard

    His beard is epic, end of.
  5. Nordecke


    The Jihadist was arrested in '06 for clashes with the police at a trial for a another muslim fanatic. An innocent Royal Veteran slain in the streets of his hometown after valiantly serving his country. Bloods boiling ffs.
  6. Nordecke

    Leroy Fer

    *ferp, ferp, ferp*
  7. Nordecke

    NFL America's game

    Mate, every NFL player plays Rugby growing up.. Except we call it "Kill the Carrier, or Smear the Queer" All those guys have the endurance to play Rugby. If they knew the rules they would probably be good at it too.. On topic, Since becoming a Soccer fan in '06 I rarely watch AM. Football...
  8. Nordecke

    The Damon Straw Poll

    I always liked Damon.. Damon>Davek
  9. Nordecke

    The Fiscal Cliff

    This thread sucks. We can trace all this stuff back to Dec, 23 1913. when 'Ol Woodrow gave the green light to the Federal Reserve.
  10. Nordecke

    Carlos Quick Reply box

    Happy new years Carlos!!!
  11. Nordecke

    3 Things which we have learnt in 2012 ?

  12. Nordecke

    How America planned for an attack on BRITAIN

    Been saying it for years.. ya'll limey's are on borrowed time. . Don't act like we aren't in charge, because we are. p.s. Learn to speak English ffs.
  13. Nordecke

    Need Opinion's

    lol you Aussie's are hard as ****ing nails and no mistake. Noted, she supports me as of now, we'll see though. Thanks for that Sid, sounds like we are/were in very similar situations.
  14. Nordecke

    Need Opinion's

    Bro, I hate flying.. I turned down every opportunity to attend Airborne school. With an EE degree I can move up nicely where I'm at and make good money for my location.
  15. Nordecke

    Nugent - Yes or No?

    Stand on me.. I miss LCAB
  16. Nordecke

    Stormin' Norman dead at 78

    RIP Sir.
  17. Nordecke

    WTF Are you doing up at this hour?

    Way to one up all the other insomniacs. /thread
  18. Nordecke

    birthday greetings Mr Goat

    Happy B-Day!!
  19. Nordecke

    Jam Appreciation Thread

    I enjoy a nice apple spread.
  20. Nordecke

    The Late Show...With Your Host, Cena

    Who gives a ****? Not the Honey Badger, that's for sure.