I find it astonishing that anyone on the FAB would agree to sign an NDA.Exactly why the physical AGM needs to be reinstated.
OK, not everyone can attend but at least it was openly reported (by press and people who attended) The fact that our current chairman has removed the requirement to hold them TWICE over the years shows what a complete shitehawk he is. He cannot stand any kind of critical scrutiny.
Why have a fan Advisory Board (who's aim was the provide a conduit between various fan groups and the board) signing NDAs? It's an impotent organisation, just as the club planned.
Surely they should have refused on mass to sign one and throw it back in the club's court to scrap the FAB or accept it would not be signed.
It seems to me they have signed it purely as they don't want to end their 5 minutes of fame and are putting their own egos before the good of rest of the fans
The FAB should be scrapped it is just a PR exercise by the club.