I know he cleared whatever debt we had at the time he bought the first round of shares.Your posts are always eloquent and succinct and factual @BNJ1878, and forgive my late entry to the discussion, but I think you are doing the equivalent of peeing up a rope with this poster, who appears to have some sort of man-crush on Bill. A non-medically induced scotoma.
I must ask, for I am unsure of the facts, but didn't Moshiri need to spend considerable amounts of money to pay off our debts? Was this in addition to similar sums needed to buy back our own property, which we had sold off to remain solvent, and were leasing back?
Not a particularly good scenario, if that was the case, and should blow out of the water any counter point defending the running of the club prior to Moshiri.
As for buying back whatever was sold off I'm not entirely sure. He may well have bought Finch Farm but I don't remember seeing anything.
Your point remains valid about the previous owner. Sold off and borrowed whatever he could to maintain his grubby grip on his prized toy.
He got lucky with Moyes who was Coach, Manager and DoF for one salary, and was happy to work within a strict budget. I have no problem with a strict budget, provided the money we were recieving (ever growing TV revenue etc) was invested elsewhere. It wasn't, it was mainly swallowed up servicing loans we had to take out to keep the club afloat.
All the while our rivals (and even 'lesser' clubs) were taking advantage of the money flooding into the game to improve themselves which is why we are where we are today, floundering despite spunking off hundreds of millions. The spending has been scattergun and everyone, including Moshiri is to blame for that.
The frustration I have is from the refusal of so many to point the finger at Kenwright for any of it.
I may well be peeing up a rope, but if EVERYONE who is aware of actual facts educates the doubters it makes the work of campaigns such as 27 and whoever else job a whole lot easier.
The one thing the club is really good at is circling the wagons, getting their message out in the media. It's practically North Korean levels of nonsense that makes it into print.
Moshiri may well prove to be a problem, even with an entirely new board, but the message needs to be consistent. This board has proved over the years to be a failure.
Why he (Moshiri) can't see that remains a mystery.