6 + 2 Point Deductions

How mrs might be an absolute bee hatch … not putting out and spending all his money knowing he will never divorce because she will clean him out ?

obviously the age of the girl is not acceptable, but cheating happens every day , not sure I’d stick to one bird if I had millions , was in my 20’s and was a footballer tbh
Then don’t get married in the first place
Well maybe he should’ve moved on from her rather than get married and have a baby then. They only got married like 4 years ago, she wouldn’t have been able to clean him out if he’d got rid of her before that. He wasn’t in his 20s either.

That explains it … woman traps footballer and then stops putting out …

Footballer can’t leave as she will take him to the cleaners

Well maybe he should’ve moved on from her rather than get married and have a baby then. They only got married like 4 years ago, she wouldn’t have been able to clean him out if he’d got rid of her before that. He wasn’t in his 20s either.

Brothers Mrs changed very soon after she had their first child and became unreasonable and unbearable which got worse as the days and months got on.

Now she uses the kid as a weapon and there was no real hint of this before hand, they were married just fine for 3 years before the birth.

Not sure life is so clear cut or black and white as what your making out to be.

Anyway an improper relationship with with a minor is never acceptable but other than that cheating happens unfortunately all the time both male and females do it.

Then don’t get married in the first place

None of us know the details, and so, none of us is any position to speculate. For all we know, the allegation could have been entirely fabricated.

What we do know, is all charges were dropped and speculation is likely derogatory and as such, we discourage it from this platform.

Please, for the site, and your own benefit - move on speculating around 'Player X' (or whatever he's referred to in the appeal)
