6 + 2 Point Deductions

It’s at Everton’s expense but this whole mishandled processes and overreach from the Premier League should really open a national conversation about a revamp, no a hard reset, of the Premier League away from it’s inept corporate model to something that serves the fans much better.

The suits take a ludicrous wage, the players take extortionate wages, the clubs and selected media make way too much money at the expense of fans. Evertonians shouldn’t be quietened with four points back, it’s still six too many and they have shown the contempt they have had for fans. As well as so much impact on the integrity of this season’s competition. They’ve turned it into a mess.

They continue to meddle and rip fans off because we take it lying down. They need outing and the whole custodian of the game having accountability with fan input.
Who are you, and which container have you left chico tied up in?
So on the 19th May all PL games kickoff at the same time to avoid any club gaining an advantage, the PL does pride itself on fairness after all. However, for clubs at the bottom of the table there may well be no celebrations or tears at the final whistle for avoiding or being relegated as that will have to wait until potential appeals against points deductions are dealt with. Do the appeals kickoff at the same time. It’s only fair 🤔

The key information we are missing in order to see whether we have breached the rules a second time is the '23 accounts.

Using the '22 accounts I've tried to estimate the losses for this year. I estimate that turnover is £20m higher due to broadcasting income. I think player sales is £14m less. Other costs roughly the same. Interest costs roughly £2m more. That would mean roughly a loss of £40m compared to '22 when losses were £44m.

However remember the losses for '22 were reported as £13.5m after allowing for academy, women's league and community costs, roughly £30m.

Thus surely the figures for the 3 years to 2023 should be £53m + £13.5 + £10m which totals £76.5m and is below the threshold of £105m!

Now I realise I don't have access to the accounts and have had to make certain assumptions, but I would welcome your feedback.
I think those numbers are broadly in line with what was expected, but like you point out that would put us way below the threshold so disappointingly it appears 22/23 is significantly worse than 21/22. I guess interest payments / extraordinary expenses (board & manager payoffs) and the full loss of USM money all played the part.

So on the 19th May all PL games kickoff at the same time to avoid any club gaining an advantage, the PL does pride itself on fairness after all. However, for clubs at the bottom of the table there may well be no celebrations or tears at the final whistle for avoiding or being relegated as that will have to wait until potential appeals against points deductions are dealt with. Do the appeals kickoff at the same time. It’s only fair 🤔

Chaos at the Forest appeal when someone in the public gallery wrongly announces Rabinowitz has landed a late mitigation for Everton.

Later on Match Of The Day will go back and forth between significant moments in both appeals rather than the usual format of showing them consecutively.
Which bit are you struggling with?

£59m to £55m to £10m is trending in the right direction.
For us to be in breach again, and with £59m falling off, our latest loss must be at least £40m

£10m to £40m is not trending in the right direction. We don't know what that £40m number actually is, but it must be in that range or bigger for us to be facing a second PSR charge.

I tend to agree. Here is where the mitigation comes into play though. If we have reduced spending and reduced our wage bill, then it has to be the stadium draining our funds.
It’s at Everton’s expense but this whole mishandled processes and overreach from the Premier League should really open a national conversation about a revamp, no a hard reset, of the Premier League away from it’s inept corporate model to something that serves the fans much better.

The suits take a ludicrous wage, the players take extortionate wages, the clubs and selected media make way too much money at the expense of fans. Evertonians shouldn’t be quietened with four points back, it’s still six too many and they have shown the contempt they have had for fans. As well as so much impact on the integrity of this season’s competition. They’ve turned it into a mess.

They continue to meddle and rip fans off because we take it lying down. They need outing and the whole custodian of the game having accountability with fan input.
The monstrosity that is the EPL has created the environment in which 6 clubs can spend and do whatever they like. The other 16 are in the wacky races taking turns to try and play catch up on the 6. This can only be done by spending more and more each season. The EPL have penalised us for been unsuccessful on the playing field and spending poorly on transfers and wages. . Ultimately their corrupt approach to funding clubs has hurt individual supporters deeply. The EPL monolith is structurally so like the Post Office that hard questions must be asked and answered of its unrivalled mendacity.

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