Some right clown amateur lawyers and accountants on twitter right now, mostly bitter geordies and kopites.
Those “claims” shouts from other clubs are as flimsy as someone trying to blag compo for a diesel car they owned 20 years ago…
Cruz of this is simple, yes we are a shambles, run like a banana republic HOWEVER we close ranks and hold a united front. We’ve known the cards have been stacked against us with performances on the pitch by the PMGOL doing their upmost to cheat us every week but at the first attempt, we’ve been made an “example” of to benefit the top clubs as is well stated, using an “independent” panel of shady characters to fix the outcome. This follows weeks of leaks to newspapers to butter up the fans to the potential extent of the outcome and “limit” the blowback on the prem.
Problem is, every sane footballing person out there can see this stinks so it won’t go away.
If you think this is a “conspiracy” or whatever and you’re a blue, then you’re part of the problem. Even if we are bang to rights which we are, the points deduction and the judgement are wrong and disproportionate.
The internal picture of the club is a mess but that’s not the issue here. The issue is that a corrupt organisation has pulled a self protecting kneejerk move at the expense of our club, putting its future in real danger and in no way shape or form should we let “them” including the media forget it.