6 + 2 Point Deductions

The club should sack off the fair play handshake / premier league music at the start of the match. Stop any premier league logos on the advertising boards around the pitch, he’ll even remove the badge from the shirt sleeves.

There should be no stands/lounges/roads/bogs at the new stadium named after anyone involved in the running of our club during this period.

It’s called a vexatious appeal mate.

I’m not sure how it works in cases like this, but it will depend on how good a case our lawyers put up.

If we’ve admitted an overspend, like it seems we have, mitigation would probably be the best way to go, with a view to watering the punishment down, with possibly a suspension of some of the points deducted and some of them getting struck off.

Cheers mate.
just adds to the theory that the PL is corrupt, from referees who haven’t got a punishment that reflects their bad calls, bad calls that cost teams financially and cost them points,VAR and FFP which is meant to be for the good of the game is used to keep the order,the order being the sale ability of the premier league, don’t know how many charges we faced but city won’t get a deduction near 10points from 100+ charges they face. One rule for one different rule for another,

A quick scan of the written judgement, how.on Earth does the reasons outlined equate to 10 points? Confident the difference will be split on appeal and we land at 4-6.

Deterrence seems a key word they use, but deterrent to who - us in the future or as example to others? If the latter not sure that is legally justifiable (Any club could have been the first to be judged, should not bear the deterrent for everyone e else surely?)
Cannot put into words how angry i am about this. I am livid and disgusted. Every other club in this league should get behind Everton and not accept it. An injustice for 1 club is an injustice for them all. They wont though because they are either trying to start a super league without punishment or covering up their own far worse breaches without punishment. Enough is enough for me. It would suit me fine if Everton just refused to compete in this league until the corruption is removed.

There is no doubt that we have been badly ran for a few years and deserved some kind of punishment but at worst it should have been a suspended point deduction and severe kick up the ass but after consecutive relegation battles, the ongoing selling of the club, the death of the chairman and the team finally getting some stability on the field and moving up the table, this is getting the biggest sharp knife you can find, sticking it in and twisting it around to make it hurt as much as possible. especially the clubs supporters who have been innocent loyal bystanders throughout.

I am absolutely outraged and don't want anything else to do with this corrupt league. They would give politicians a run for their money. Better off just finding another sport tbh.
