I'm not sure they could be disappearing much quicker.
why? every man and woman and kid and they’re dogs all know 777 are the devil
I'm not sure they could be disappearing much quicker.
So what’s the news today ?
Is Moshiri still pondering whether to sell us to a gang of potless Yank shysters ?
The thing is though he has said when these clowns 1st came interested that they simply don't have the money to buy Everton, and so far has been proved rightPeople need to stop giving him the attention he craves.
He’s a know all know nothing bellend.
I’m sorry but the “Esk” just comes across as a complete @rsehole here. It was an excellent articulated tweet by Citizens of Suburbia and the reply was rude and arrogant . He knows he’s met his match there you can spot the prickliness a mile off.
I think every man and indeed their dogs called these clowns for what they were very early on tbf.The thing is though he has said when these clowns 1st came interested that they simply don't have the money to buy Everton, and so far has been proved right
You never know… we might get the 4 points back on appeal after the IC come to the conclusion that someone hit the + on the calculator instead of the - by mistake
I’m sorry but the “Esk” just comes across as a complete @rsehole here. It was an excellent articulated tweet by Citizens of Suburbia and the reply was rude and arrogant . He knows he’s met his match there you can spot the prickliness a mile off.
Wait, Keith Azul is a WHAT???Indeed, who would, Esky? However, teasing the prospect of administration over and over again with absolutely zero evidence to support it and when challenged act like it's a complete affront to be asked to support your agenda with any evidence at all or even a reasoned argument is fine. Apparently. He's a parody account now, as far as I'm concerned. Like Boring James Milner or Keith Azul.
It isn’t just a tick box though where we take the 9 point deduction and move on. We’d likely be starting next season with a team of backup players if we go into administration and be favourites to go down.*spinfoil hat firmly affixed to noggin*
Picture this...
We beat Sheffield United on Saturday, taking us 14 points away from Luton. If Luton then don't beat West Ham, we're guaranteed to finish at least 10 points ahead of them come the end of the final day...
...now if the club were to, say, be inclined to file for administration and take the immediate 9 point deduction before 19 May - that would then land us on 31 points and would still have us safe this season
In the absolute worst case scenario regarding this horrendous takeover process... do you think the club would seriously contemplate this potential course of action?
I’m sorry but the “Esk” just comes across as a complete @rsehole here. It was an excellent articulated tweet by Citizens of Suburbia and the reply was rude and arrogant . He knows he’s met his match there you can spot the prickliness a mile off.