You've assumed he's not wealthy enough you also assume he wouldn't have any partners in this venture? Even though he stated in The Athletic he's spoken other investors aswell as investments group in regards to a takeover.Palace 45% owner wants us, this will not happen for the these reasons...
1) He can not sell his Palace shares, and by time he does sell them and buy in to us it could be the winter transfer window or even later.
2) He isn`t wealthy enough make a real go of it at Everton, worth 1.5bn, depending on which publication you believe, which is less than half of what Moshiri is worth, he paid £86m for 40% of Palace and then £30m for another 5% which would value the club at £258m. They are now trying to sell the club for £610m, so his return on his £116m would be £275m, no wonder he can`t sell it. If Palace is worth £610m what would we consider Everton to be worth with all the real estate and a brand new stadium close to completion? Even if he sells his Palace shares he needs double or triple that to clear the debts, keeping the debt makes no business sense at all. He would need to use 2/3rds of everything he owns....
He isn`t getting out of Palace anytime soon unless he drops his asking price, does this sound familiar?
3) Do we want another interfering owner, absolutely not! The best run clubs do not allow owners to make decisions on their whims.
While I agree he won't be taking over it won't be for any of reasons above.