I'm quite livid about that don't ask don't tell post, so I am gonna voice my deepest darkest concern about 777 in the event of a positive outcome for the club in the interim. Say the stadium is finished and safe and we stave off relegation for a year. My fears shot up when I read that Wander interview on FT(an outlet for the money people right), first read it as a fan, then understood my mistake and read it as a potential investor. So when he says we have not sufficiently commercialized the product, is he talking about the club or the fans? Consider the fact he says that the fans' intense engagement means that the fans are begging to be monetized.
So then what is this insurance or financial services he speaks of in place of hotdogs and beer to their 'customers'? Insurance is typically when you pay a moderate amount of money in the hope that you get coverage based on the community's efforts (individual direct payments or company investments) to maintain the system in the event of a personal negative event (accident, death, or such). Are fans really going to have such personal events related to the club or is it more conceivable that the personage in question is the club itself? Hence, you sell the owners or potential investors of these clubs insurance to ensure that negative events associated with the club are covered not directly by the investors but by the community effort (i.e. fans first, the club next, and then the investors). This would work only if it is a multi-club model with unique investment partners. So the fast-tracked purchase of the multiple clubs may have been a necessary rather than a sufficient condition.
The fans are essentially there to produce the community effort necessary to not only run our club but also to cover other potential clubs in the event of any negative events (even from mismanagement). In all of this, it begs the question what insurance will these take out (there could be complete nonchalance toward the actual footballing operations)? You win a cup, you get relegated, or you dissolve the club, the portion of the investment is insured. Hertha's previous owner took a stake in the 777 partnership in exchange for the sale.
Is there any positive spin on this model or a possibility of fans(?) having financial services for positive events?