Some poster @Modern07 's disturbing dreamsWhere is the source for him going on strike?
Some poster @Modern07 's disturbing dreamsWhere is the source for him going on strike?
Good point this Zatmonster.
£20m + profit on a player with so few starts and a questionable mentality / attitude represents excellent business.
Sell immediately.
lash in a sell on clause too. 5% or something, if he does do well we should get more out of it
i liked this post at first then reconsidered and took that like away from you, may you learn from thisYou might say he's Ade'mountain out of Ade'molehill
the fawning over a player whos done practically nothing for us is mad, soon as they meet our asking price let him go with minimum fuss
Also seen clutching a copy of Mein KampfNo idea how true it is but seen reports that he turned up to Finch Farm in a Messerschmitt this morning
Also seen clutching a copy of Mein Kampf
No idea how true it is but seen reports that he turned up to Finch Farm in a Messerschmitt this morning