2022/23 Anthony Gordon

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Howling at the mood change in this this thread since Friday, you actually think he’s auditioning for you and not Frank Lampard.

You fair weather, deeply insecure, toxic entitled, wham chatting clear and present danger to Everton football club.
Nothing has been good enough since 1985.

Seems Tony has definitely made it clear to Frank that he'd like to join Chelsea, hence Lampard's warning about downing tools.

Falling perfectly for Bill this, right at the end of the window, mega money bid on the table ready to be accepted at any time, but he'll wait to accept it only at the point where it's far too late to actually reinvest the money, and will point to Lampard's comments as reason for letting Gordon go: "We didn't want to keep an unhappy player at the club".
Big time. And I noticed he scratched his nose and looked down at the ground which indicates to me that Coleman starts tonight.

Then again he did pull his jumper down to hide his belly so he's sending mixed signals.

So it took one goal for half the sell brigade to jump ship. Indicative of the movement.

A goal tonight and there'll just be that 5% left that want to win the internet at all costs.
Big time. And I noticed he scratched his nose and looked down at the ground which indicates to me that Coleman starts tonight.

Then again he did pull his jumper down to hide his belly so he's sending mixed signals.
Gonna spark you rar out lad if you continue this charade. You should know that it's looking up and to the left that indicates Coleman's selection.
Judging from Frank's comments in the latest press match preview against Leeds, Gordon is not going anywhere this window. I guess he's basically starting every game then.

Fingers crossed it works out this way. You could argue his morale/performance could go on a downward spiral after his dreams of more money, challenging for honours and european football were dashed. I don't think it this will happen but a small part of me is wary about it.
If he starts to think that way we could buy him a Ross Barkley poster for his room. That’ll remind him of what could happen.
I am worried if we learn the Barkley's transfer or not?
We may be success to not sell Gordon but will he sign the new contract?
The transfer fee will heavily drop in January even in next summer.
Can we accept our best player to leave for around 15M again?
Deadline has to be today EOP. If we have £65m in our pockets we can easily get two or three decent players within 48 hours. Have to imagine we know exactly who we're getting if Chelsea match our valuation. Looks like we've missed the boat on this though and he's staying and we'll be very limited in what we can do before the window SLAMS shut.

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