I did and I notice Pickford punching the ball away several times in a game. I'm more inclined to accept it from a keeper who is not a giant. Two of those punches, were a comfortable catch to a keeper of his stature, plus,there were several others when he stayed rooted to his goal line when the ball was obviously in the keepers area.
Don't get me wrong, there is a plus and a minus for a big keeper and a small keeper. The plusses for a smaller keeper should be ability and speed getting down, which Pickford has in spades. The plusses for a giant keeper like Begovic should be that he comes for and wins, most of the crosses within his 6 yard box. He doesn't, not even close, in fact, he is not even as good as Pickford on crosses. This would be ok if he was as agile as Pickford or as good as getting down quickly to shots/deflections coming in low,he isn't..
I'm not saying he not fit for purpose, he is, if that purpose is a stopgap for when the first choice is injured, but, as I said in my original post, watching Begovic play is a good reminder of how good Pickford is. He's by no means the best keeper in the league, but, he is far closer to bing a top 6keeper than we are to being a top 6 team.