Absolute shower of Larrikin’s the lot of em.
Back in the 1990's I got in some terrible states drinking that and usually before I even went out. That and red label Thunderbird.
To be fair mate, that also applies to anyone who has ever met you, or read anything you've ever posted.I prefer them to the English. Good people, sound country. Excellent drinking buddies even if they do call me the c word every minute.
You sir are an idiot! lol No offence mate, but it just had to be said! Carn Carlton, Go Blues!lolResponsible for the worst sport ever invented
I remember as a kid watching Aussie Rules highlights briefly and being fascinated by how anyone could watch something so underwhelming
That said I imagine most people wonder the same thing about Everton...
I’m marking this thread as one of both potential. Once our aborigine apartheiding cousins wake up.