Needs differentiating.
TV drama
TV comedy
TV documentary
Every now and again something turns up that is so different and original that it stands, no, towers above the rest. Gandolfini brought a pathos to one of the worst pieces of work there's ever been. Trials of life was amazing, Seinfeld amazing, I have a special place tattooed on my soul for the Simpsons (quiet at the back!), something that we all do need more of is the woman's perspective (please don't @ chris) because there's just as talented story makers and tellers out there that've been disenfranchised by the industry. We need more Kathryn Bigelow's.
Defining moments of/in TV history. Armstrong and Aldrin, JFK, liz windsor coronation, tricky nixon, Tiananmen square, The fall of the Berlin wall, 9-11.
Interesting topic. The dirtiest race in history (Seoul 1988), '86 world cup, the black ball final, that Olympics.
Hmmm, defined by tragedy or triumph? Does the best TV come from the worst of people.