Well it's not is it. When do I start telling him he isn't good enough for the shirt? 19?
Do you know any parents of footballers or potential footballers?
Because I do, and some of them have had to have the “it might be time to try something else with your life” chat with them for various reasons
There are a lot of players that don’t make it and it’s a very painful decision for a lot of them when the realisation hits that it’s just not going to happen
There are tears, anger, depression, resentment, you name it
As a parent you should be as supportive as possible, but you also need to be responsible and realistic with your child, no matter how uncomfortable that is
Talking about booing your six year old misses the point entirely, because any parent worthy of the title wouldn’t do that so it was stupid to say it
However, at 13/14 you might need to tell your kid that it’s not happening, and that’s probably going to hurt. A lot. Especially if it’s their dream
You need to discuss many things with your child if they want to be a footballer. The pressure of playing on the big stage is just one of those things. A responsible parent has those discussions