Wrong again. The stuff of legend developed into fake truth by those with a certain agenda. Inasmuch as the Mansoors were researching Prem clubs in general prior to purchase, they were aware of their friend Shinwatras problems at City . Siniwatras frozen money made it impossible to put any money at all into the club,and in fact a city director(no longer there,obviously) paid staff and player wages for two months...the 'Siniwatra months' before the Mansoors got their friend off the hook. It was always going to be City anyway, they had already spoken to the council about the stadium and developing the area around the stadium, both with regard to infrastructure and also 'culturally'. Neither Everton or any other Prem club were ever in the frame. Source: a former City director who shall remain anonymous, collaborated separately by two other people, one a journalist covering City and another City director. Off to dialysis now, back tonight.