Care to expand? Maybe I'm the only one, but I've got no earthly idea what you're talking about.
There's links if you Google but as i remember it there was a young lad in alder hey who had a progressive neurological condition and that all specialists had exhausted treatment options and found them ineffective.
Alder Hey made the decision that there was no chance of improvement and were going to transfer him eventually to palliative care basically.
The family refused to accept the decision and wanted to take him to Italy I think to try a treatment that wasn't endorsed by NICE (National institute clinical excellence) as a last resort.
The hospital didn't want him to go because they thought it would cause him suffering and the family wanted to take a chance.
The hospital did everything they could. The family were desperate.
It got pretty ugly.
Bill gave a donation of around 10k to help the family's legal appeal.
I can't remember the result but I know the child still tragically passed away.
There were no winners in that battle and it's a low blow and ridiculous to criticise Kenwright for helping a family with a dying child is beyond contempt.
The Dad was given some sort of award at the Everton Oscars which was ridiculous but his kid had just died. Maybe Bill thought it would help him in his grief.
The Dad was well out of order by the way with his behaviour towards hospital staff which is indefensible despite the situation.
I recalling all this from memory do if I've got some bits wrong then you'll know to use Google instead next time.