Bill Kenwright

Just saying, be prepared for the outrage.

He is apparently gets on very well with the people from MSP.

Will not be on the board but have an honoury role such as life president.

George Downing who is rumoured to be one of the new board members on behalf of MSP.

Used to be invited to a lot of away games as a guest of Everton, can you guess who personally invited him?

Honourary life President of Everton he will be when someone takes his place as Chairman.
Just saying, be prepared for the outrage.
Think you're probably right. He'll be given a mickey mouse title but forced out from power. The hope would be that he loses influence on Moshiri.

Says everything about the man's ego though that he simply cannot let go, even with the announcements he wants to build anticipation to his own statement and all that nonsense. Absolute parasite of a man.

In 48 hours Everton football club will be in it's healthiest state in decades and that fact upsets him.
Just saying, be prepared for the outrage.
Think you're probably right. He'll be given a mickey mouse title but forced out from power. The hope would be that he loses influence on Moshiri.

Says everything about the man's ego though that he simply cannot let go, even with the announcements he wants to build anticipation to his own statement and all that nonsense. Absolute parasite of a man.

In 48 hours Everton football club will be in its healthiest state in decades and that fact upsets him.
In any official capacity he’ll still try to meddle.


"No matter what the circumstances"

His kiss off to the board that has resigned. Unless it's me but the undercurrent of that line still feels like he's upset by the nasty everton fans
Says everything doesnt it that his departure hasn't been announced with the other three. He's either desperately fighting to stay still, or is so arrogant and deluded he wants his own separate annoucement because he wants and feels entitled to the dramatics.

Get gone and don't ever show your face at Goodison again, or Bramley Moore. It's fitting that you'll go to your grave as the most despised figure in the history of the club.
