F*cking hell that's a boss macro. I hope I can take photos this good one day lid.
Was that lens mega expensive mate? You've got serious talent like.
Nah got it but feeling my way in lid. Nothing of note so far mate. If I took a photo as good as that spider I'd have it tattooed on my fod by now and no mistake.
Yeah, I can't decide what I geek out more over...macro photography or slow motion hi-def vid. I need to find a site that combines both...
*puts splash guard on keyboard*
The lens is the Canon 100mm f/2.8 macro lens, and the camera is the Canon EOS 550D.
Getting macro shots like this is very difficult, cos when you focus on something so close, such as this 50mm long spider, only about 10mm of it at best, is in focus. This photo was made up from 3, focused on the front knee joints, then the eyes, then the back knee joints, and special software (called Zerene Stacker) combines them to create one image with all the focus points blended.
Glad you like lid.
that looks nice esk
I like it a lot mate. I've just bought a 650D so working my way through it.
I think it's brilliant. It's pointless my spending that much on a macro lens as I'll never be as good as that but I was thinking of an all purpose lens like this Sigma one. Do you reckon that's sound or would I be better getting a Canon equivalent?
Lash some more photos up mate if you can.