Hiya reets hope you are well tonight.if catterall had a right jab as quick as his left cross, he's own every belt there is.
My god, this pantomime boxing nonsense is cringeworthy.
The only entertainment about it is if Tyson doesn’t play ball and goes full on Tyson crazy, and Paul ends up like the bloke off Friends who thought he was gonna be a world champ
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It’s depressingBellew desperate to be next in boxings latest race to the bottom. How far we've fallen as a sport
Him fighting Alvarez would be like taking a chainsaw to a marshmallow.Dunno. Kinda hoping he does knock Tyson out now, and by some magic (Saudi money), he gets his fight with canelo. That would be a true blood bath and would put an end to all these YouTubers pretending to be real boxers.