Having a muller rice for breakfast... vanilla custard flavour. It's wonderful.
Well angry. Got myself a spinning bike for my house, and been on it loads this week and now got loads of chafing on the inside of my leg by me bollz.
Is Turkey going too far to stop migrant boats?
Around 50 migrants a day continue to attempt the crossing from Turkey to Greece by boat.
The Turkish coastguard is paid by the EU to stop them but questions have been raised about the severity of their actions.
Aladdin and Bushra are from Syria and experienced first-hand how migrants are treated.
Blimey, I hope you covered the seats with some bin bags! You work at a farm or somethin?first time for ages it's been decent up here on one of my days off, cleared out the garage, took 2 car loads of shoite to the tip and tidied the garden, we're going to get a takeaway, have a few drinks in the house and watch catchup on the telly, lovely.
That will only last you until the end of your street Frank.
....who are they playing?...going to see the Terracotta Warriors on Thursday morning. Looking forward to that followed by a spot of lunch in town with Mrs Eggs.