As much as I wish I was wrong, there is absolutely no chance of us winning on Sunday. And it's not because of how good they are or how bad we are. It's because of history and mentality. Their ego will not let them lose this one. No matter what sort of terrible form they have been in, they will not allow it happen. Like a school bully who relentlessly takes pleasure in the misery of their victim, they will not stop, and they don't care what rules they break in making it happen.
We on the other hand, are the passive victim, who knows, despite advice to the contrary, that fighting back will only make things worse in the long run. And so, we swallow and accept and take it. For the greater good.
Even if we were riding the crest of a wave of an unbeaten run of games having just cruised past Fulham and securing a surprise but hard fought victory over all conquering City, that would not change. We are intimidated by their very presence, regardless of countless changes of managers and players. It runs so deep, that the very idea of them seems to make everyone associated with us crumble. And it's not a new thing either. Go back as far as the 60s, we have only won there i believe 6 or 7 times in all competitions. Almost 70 attempts.
If we did somehow manage to beat them, it would likely be a hard fought narrow victory with no small amount of luck involved, which we rarely have, and rather than signal a shift in power, would likely stoke a fire under them that would bring untold pain back at us in years to come.
Believe me, I'd love nothing more than an era defining mauling as they self destruct at the sight of James inspired masterclass, that destroys their arrogant swagger and reduces them to a babbling mess of insecurity and in fighting as they tumble down the league.
But it won't happen. I resigned myself to that fact a long, long time ago.