Sorry, I just can’t understand all this
We’ve been adrift and crap for years with no real prospects of getting better or doing anything of note
we get one of the all time great coaches in
he is just over half way into his first proper season, we are well placed still and show clear improvements even if very very flawed.
however there are countless multi-paragraph posts with expert views on perceived errors, declaring basically they are right and the manager was wrong. Not opinions, stated as facts...all over the shop. In between those are posts already sneering and getting little digs in. Then there’s the few who are barely hiding that they want to go full on Sack him, I don’t care who he is!! and w be doing so as soon as they think its safe.
I mean at what point as a fan do you ever stfu and just support and wait and see, and if ever there was a time in the last 25yrs to stfu, support and wait and it not bloody now?
I guess I’m just surprised that even though I knew it wouldn’t be long before I’d be seeing defensive “he’s not above criticism” posts that it’s still a disappointment to see all this. Pages of whinging.
I personally will accept whatever the hell he decides to do with this club until at least the season after next without bothering to overthink it and worry about it because christ knows regardless of your amazing insight on whatever crap game we have had recently, overall he will not be doing any worse than the best of the previous chancers we had nor any worse than any other manager we might have gotten in if he hadn’t joined. Debating and dismantling every decision and game of a Marco Silva, yeah I get it. This...nah..
looking forward to tmros game and all the next ones, and the transfer window and then a new season with an ever better team. It feels refreshing to be 100% behind a manager and not be thinking about whether they will be good enough and see out the season and who the hell might come in next.
rant over
We’ve been adrift and crap for years with no real prospects of getting better or doing anything of note
we get one of the all time great coaches in
he is just over half way into his first proper season, we are well placed still and show clear improvements even if very very flawed.
however there are countless multi-paragraph posts with expert views on perceived errors, declaring basically they are right and the manager was wrong. Not opinions, stated as facts...all over the shop. In between those are posts already sneering and getting little digs in. Then there’s the few who are barely hiding that they want to go full on Sack him, I don’t care who he is!! and w be doing so as soon as they think its safe.
I mean at what point as a fan do you ever stfu and just support and wait and see, and if ever there was a time in the last 25yrs to stfu, support and wait and it not bloody now?
I guess I’m just surprised that even though I knew it wouldn’t be long before I’d be seeing defensive “he’s not above criticism” posts that it’s still a disappointment to see all this. Pages of whinging.
I personally will accept whatever the hell he decides to do with this club until at least the season after next without bothering to overthink it and worry about it because christ knows regardless of your amazing insight on whatever crap game we have had recently, overall he will not be doing any worse than the best of the previous chancers we had nor any worse than any other manager we might have gotten in if he hadn’t joined. Debating and dismantling every decision and game of a Marco Silva, yeah I get it. This...nah..
looking forward to tmros game and all the next ones, and the transfer window and then a new season with an ever better team. It feels refreshing to be 100% behind a manager and not be thinking about whether they will be good enough and see out the season and who the hell might come in next.
rant over