Confirmed Signing Cenk Tosun

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...posted the initial rumour on the transfer thread last week.

Looks technically very good, particularly with his back to goal. Has goals in him but doesn’t appear to be the quickest
Looks like a 'meaty' fella who plays up top but has no pace and isn't tall...

In the vids on 1st page etc he looks like he could finish

In this video he looks meh

...posted the initial rumour on the transfer thread last week.

Looks technically very good, particularly with his back to goal. Has goals in him but doesn’t appear to be the quickest

I personally think we need someone with a lot of pace..unless the idea is to punt it to this chap (who is not tall or quick) to hold the ball up?

Weird imo

1 year on his contract...maybe that's why were taking a punt?

Has Mitroglu written all over him. After Sandro and Klaassan you would have thought we would have learnt and brought in a proven premier league centre forward.

...I presume you mean somebody who has proven he’s a very good CF in the Premier League. Not sure many of the Harry Kane, Jamie Vardy type are available. I suppose there are a few below that level but i’m not certain they would really take us forward.
I personally think we need someone with a lot of pace..unless the idea is to punt it to this chap (who is not tall or quick) to hold the ball up?

Weird imo

1 year on his contract...maybe that's why were taking a punt?

If that was the case, just stick with DCL - they seem a bit similar but I suppose it will allow DCL a break from time to time.
But I agree, defenders hate pace so maybe a better option is Walcott alongside DCL?
I personally think we need someone with a lot of pace..unless the idea is to punt it to this chap (who is not tall or quick) to hold the ball up?

Weird imo

1 year on his contract...maybe that's why were taking a punt?

...possibly. Reports suggest Roy Hodgson is keen and Palace have had an £18m bid rejected.

If that was the case, just stick with DCL - they seem a bit similar but I suppose it will allow DCL a break from time to time.
But I agree, defenders hate pace so maybe a better option is Walcott alongside DCL?

Not Walcott, but yes someone fast or someone whose shown something in a recognised league...some of the defending on those youtube clips was bizarre.

...possibly. Reports suggest Roy Hodgson is keen and Palace have had an £18m bid rejected.

Seem to be fairly high fees for a bit of a risk.

I think its because we can get him cheap. If it comes off he's only 26 so has a good 3-4 years in him. id be very happy with this signing.

Even if hes decent for 5 seasons...we only need a left back and forward at the moment and with a few sales could afford someone who on paper would seem to be more suitable.
Not impress, we are spending just for the sake of spending. Not really an improvement on what we have by a big margin. Sign him, takes a few months to settle, by that time it’s probably end of the season and World Cup shop window is full blown.

Either go for a high profile establish striker or don’t sign anyone at all.

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