If you take away Niasses ZERO goals and Tosuns 2 goals, we are still 11th.
If you take away Niasses ZERO goals and Tosuns 2 goals, we are still 11th.
Ridiculous, other teams have realised if they need a player for a few months just loan them from Everton, agree to an option to buy (which there never going to go for) and then give them back a few months later, while they look around for someone better.
It's like going to a wedding, buying a really expensive.suit, and then returning the suit a few days later.
Brands seems to be falling for it every time, they probably rock up, bring a couple of gifts, probably put out a few sob stories and then leave with a player.
It would be very Everton to get rid of all our strikers. Have one lined up.
Fails medical 10 seconds before the window closes.
For some reason this really tickled me
It'd be ridiculous to get rid of two strikers in the same window and not replace either of them
I thus expect us to do it, because Everton
Dixies statue outside poses more threat that two shins - he can't trap a bag of cement.......Give him away for free.
The statue of liberty has better movement
Is it? Because last I checked they contributed almost nothing to the squad and season.
Of course it is
Regardless of what they've done so far, they are at least still strikers, and preferable to someone playing out of position
You need an adequate amount of round pegs for round holes, otherwise you end up playing Cuco Martina at left back, because there's no one else
Convinced he'd do well at Palace.
Seriously though, WTF is wrong with our transfers? 12 months is all he has lasted, we are stinking the house out with some of our purchases.
The money we have wasted in the market in the last 3 years is a crime against humanity.
It'd be ridiculous to get rid of two strikers in the same window and not replace either of them
I thus expect us to do it, because Everton