We need to replace Gomes this summer he is not quicker enough for this league.
He cant press and struggles when we play against a pressing team.
He's the man who should be running the midfield dictating the tempo of the play and direction of attacks.
His in game management of his own positioning is absolutely appalling and I'm shocked if he hasn't been pulled up on it time after time from the coaching staff.
At least 3/4 times a game he will either try and snatch a ball from an impossible angle and get turned, be on the wrong side of his man or be so flat footed that a simple 2 yard jog past him renders him completely useless and takes him out of the game.
There isn't a position on the field where we can say those weaknesses aren't showing every single game he plays and they absolutely cripple us in the middle of the park. He's not offering anything where we can currently say "well at least he's doing A or B well so it's worth persisting with him".