They say history is written by the winners. I've spent a fair bit of time in East Germany, and there is a lot more nostalgia than people realise. By the end there was some criticism, but not enough to really want the system to end, or certainly not enough to want to emulate the west German system. Theres still a lot of resentment about that, and the west chauvinism still treats them as 2nd class citizens (and stole a lot of the assets of the east).
For the most part, the hardened protestors were seen as troublemakers by most ordinary people, and actually quite isolated from most of the population, who dont care enough either way. I'm not saying they were hugely pro Soviet either, but they werent vehemently anti.
In most of those countries, its hard to argue the Soviet collapse has been anything other than a disaster too. Womens rights erodes. Anti-semitism rife. Crime, corruption, gangsterism, people trafficking of young children etc. Mass poverty as well. You got none of those things previously.
It's not been an easy realisation for me. I was always (and to be fair remain) a very firm advocate of Trotskys analysis, but speaking to East Germans certainly made me shift my position. It wasnt a perfect society, but they got a lot right.
And yes, anti-fascism was a massive part of the school curriculum. I love going round East Germany and seeing the monuments and memories for those brave heroes who fought fascism.
And yet, isn't that type of nostalgia and the want to return to the "good old days" the very thing that has caused this war in the first place? Whatever you might call Russia now one thing is sure, Putin is an old school Communist reactionary who wants to turn back the clock for Ukraine and lots of other places he could get his hands on. Ask the East Germans if they'd like to get invaded by this lunatic. The Ukrainians know where the future lies, they are losing their lives for it. And, for all the faults of our way of life, it is as a liberal, western, free market democracy Ukraine wants to remain and will fight for that to admiration of the whole world.