bloggers on far left-wing sites aren't representative of what the actual barack obama campaign supports. i was mainly focused with my original post on official campaign ads, the kind with "I"m barack obama/ john mccain and i approved this message" at the end. it is difficult for me to look at this from an objective standpoint as i am an obama supporter, but its a statement of fact that the mccain campaign began using official campaign attack ads much sooner than the historical precedent, and definitely earlier on in the campaign than the obama campaign did.
i don't feel like digging up the article now, but immediately after the scandal with sara palin's daughter's pregnancy, Obama declared that family was off-limits for this campaign, and you can't fault him for the fact that some of his supporters didn't listen to this (though i do believe it is somewhat relevant as she is such a staunch supporter of abstinence only sex-education.)
and its really not like conservatives haven't made their fair share of attacks, implying first that he is dishonest about his faith, and that if he was a muslim, it would for some reason make a difference, which is beyond me. at a mccain rally when a woman said that obama was an "arab", Mccain said that it wasn't true, and that he is a decent family man, though i'm don't quite believe that the two terms are mutually exclusive.
lets face it, negativity in campaigns doesn't follow party lines, and stating "fact" after something you say doesn't automatically make it so. to assume that all left leaning people are these despicable human beings with no boundaries of decency is ridiculous, there are good and bad people who believe different things. the mccain campaign this year has been more negative than campaigns of the past, that can be objectively measured by the amount of attack-focused advertisements that have been run. other democratic campaigns in the past have been much more negative, the issue really has nothing to do with party affiliation, so don't try to make a false association.
Completely lost any chance of credibility with that first statement right there.
The beliefs of bloggers and posters on left wing sites such as Daily Kos and Democratic Underground are ABSOLUTELY what the Obama campaign supports. Where do you think they get half of the special interest funding? Mom and pop down the street in suburban USA? Really?
Obama is without question one of the most liberal members of the Senate (as evidenced by his voting record...the few times he actually bothered to vote) and one of the most liberal candidates ever for POTUS.
Oh, you may be near some sembalance of a factual statement when you say that his "campaign" doesn't represent that but why is that? Perhaps he can't afford to let his true colors show until after the election? Hmmm...I wonder why? I mean why can't Obama just come right out and campaign on a platform of gay marriage/pro choice?
And McCain is running a "negative" campaign for pointing out the obvious flaws of a candidate of Obama? Associations with people such as Ayers, Wright, and Rezko? Negative or just pointing out those pesky facts again?
We get a laugh on the right when the Obama supporters point that out. That it's "racist" or "negative" to clearly demonstrate that Obama isn't fit to be POTUS. Oooooh...those eeeeeevil Rethuglicans. Bastards.
As for the second statement, there's a difference between left "leaning" and left wing. Funny how the radicals in this country tend to come from the left wing isn't it? I mean how many right wingers in this country state just rabid sentiments the way the lefties do in this country? Not many I can assure you.
And if you doubt the veracity of that statement, please feel free to browse the net and find all of the comments attributable to those of us who are radical right wingers who state such memes like:
- Bush will do away with the election to get a third term.
- The Iraq War was ALL about Halliburton and Oil
- Republicans will institute the draft if elected.
- Republicans will round up all of the "dissenters" once they're in power and send them to "re-education camps." (That one's a favorite of mine.
- 9/11 was an inside job.
- The election was rigged via Diebold voting machines (that's a favorite too as it's very clear that left "leaning" organization ACORN is clearly (that's "factually" to you) committing voter fraud. Thankfully the FBI is on the case but I'm sure something won't come of it until after the election. Just in time to have my vote cancelled out.
I could go on and on but I think you catch my drift. You don't see those sort of idiotic and frankly stupid comments from the right. Yeah, we'll have the occasional gaffe as no party is perfect but let me tell you something. We haven't based our political party around that sort of thought process. Unfortunately, the Dems have evolved over the years to the point of catering to the extreme left. It's their base. Even they'll tell you that.
You show me a left "leaning" person that doesn't believe one of the many talking points that the left has thrown out over the years and I'll show you someone who isn't left at all but either moderate/center or "leaning" to the right.
It's interesting. Awhile back I heard an interesting point that I think we've all heard by now. The saying goes:
"Not all muslims are terrorists but it's funny how all terrorists are muslims."
Well maybe not all Obama supporters are left wing but it's funny how all left wingers (beliefs and all) support Obama.