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Colin Powell backs Barack Obama!

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Completely lost any chance of credibility with that first statement right there.

The beliefs of bloggers and posters on left wing sites such as Daily Kos and Democratic Underground are ABSOLUTELY what the Obama campaign supports. Where do you think they get half of the special interest funding? Mom and pop down the street in suburban USA? Really?

Obama is without question one of the most liberal members of the Senate (as evidenced by his voting record...the few times he actually bothered to vote) and one of the most liberal candidates ever for POTUS.

Oh, you may be near some sembalance of a factual statement when you say that his "campaign" doesn't represent that but why is that? Perhaps he can't afford to let his true colors show until after the election? Hmmm...I wonder why? I mean why can't Obama just come right out and campaign on a platform of gay marriage/pro choice?

And McCain is running a "negative" campaign for pointing out the obvious flaws of a candidate of Obama? Associations with people such as Ayers, Wright, and Rezko? Negative or just pointing out those pesky facts again?

We get a laugh on the right when the Obama supporters point that out. That it's "racist" or "negative" to clearly demonstrate that Obama isn't fit to be POTUS. Oooooh...those eeeeeevil Rethuglicans. Bastards.

As for the second statement, there's a difference between left "leaning" and left wing. Funny how the radicals in this country tend to come from the left wing isn't it? I mean how many right wingers in this country state just rabid sentiments the way the lefties do in this country? Not many I can assure you.

And if you doubt the veracity of that statement, please feel free to browse the net and find all of the comments attributable to those of us who are radical right wingers who state such memes like:
  • Bush will do away with the election to get a third term.
  • The Iraq War was ALL about Halliburton and Oil
  • Republicans will institute the draft if elected.
  • Republicans will round up all of the "dissenters" once they're in power and send them to "re-education camps." (That one's a favorite of mine.
  • 9/11 was an inside job.
  • The election was rigged via Diebold voting machines (that's a favorite too as it's very clear that left "leaning" organization ACORN is clearly (that's "factually" to you) committing voter fraud. Thankfully the FBI is on the case but I'm sure something won't come of it until after the election. Just in time to have my vote cancelled out. (n)
I could go on and on but I think you catch my drift. You don't see those sort of idiotic and frankly stupid comments from the right. Yeah, we'll have the occasional gaffe as no party is perfect but let me tell you something. We haven't based our political party around that sort of thought process. Unfortunately, the Dems have evolved over the years to the point of catering to the extreme left. It's their base. Even they'll tell you that.

You show me a left "leaning" person that doesn't believe one of the many talking points that the left has thrown out over the years and I'll show you someone who isn't left at all but either moderate/center or "leaning" to the right.

It's interesting. Awhile back I heard an interesting point that I think we've all heard by now. The saying goes:

"Not all muslims are terrorists but it's funny how all terrorists are muslims."

Well maybe not all Obama supporters are left wing but it's funny how all left wingers (beliefs and all) support Obama.

Would you not agree that those types of sentiments I've emboldened above would be considered extreme?
McCain has run a stinker of a campaign though, I'm sure even you have to admit that Bill. I'm amazed that he hasn't at least mentioned the fact that if Obama wins then the Democrats will control both houses, which generally isn't very good for the democratic process, especially when Obama pretty much always follows the party line with his voting record.

With Obama being the man he is he must have known that it wasn't the social conservatives that he had to convince to vote Republican in order to win, but the floating voters that McCain appealed to before this campaign started. Instead he seems to have moved away from the turf he so often occupied before the election campaign.

I don't really get the hero worship that follows Obama around. He's an excellent orator but that surely isn't enough for such devotion by so many? It does seem likely, bar some miraculous cock up on his part, that he will win the election and it will be nice for America to take a better lead in world affairs than she has done under Bush. I get very nervous about his economic plans however and detest the way he ran out the rhetoric so easily when fighting Hilary, only to back track towards the centre in the main election. Style over substance is an easy accusation to throw at the man, especially in this soundbite driven age. I guess only time will tell if the mud sticks.

Make no mistake Bruce, McCain was certainly not my first choice for the Republican candidate. He was about 5th or 6th on my list behind Rommney, Huckabee, Thompson, & Giuliani (a social liberal but would have been solid on national defense).

Obama doesn't have much of a voting record. Why is that? So he can be all things to all people.

It's hard for your opponent to point out your missteps when you haven't taken any.
He wouldn't appreciate it.

I would appreciate it though.

Mmmmm...the TX Bill Appreciation Thread

*gazes wistfully off into the sky

Naturally, Chico would hijack said thread and it would last about 5 posts (I'm being generous) before turning into a pineapple in pasties kind of thread. :lol::lol:
I'm not getting into the politics of all this because I'm tired of it all, to be honest. Not the American election in particular, but politics in general. But I think Webb does draw attention to something that would bug me if I was a voter, even if I was a Republican. Palin does not strike me as a president, not even one in interim. Hell, I wouldn't even trust her on the back benches. So what possessed McCain to go for what is appearing to be a big liability? It must have occurred to him that at 71, many people would not only judge his skills as a leader, but also those of the person who would take over, should McCain's health wane. Was he so stuck up his own back passage that he ignored the advice of senior Republicans? Because I'm betting that many in the party would have advised the senator that this move was bad, bad, bad. It appears that McCain has handed victory to Obama.

I find it ironic that Palin is being taken to task for her experience and yet she has absolutely more experience that Obama in politics, running a government, you name it.

He's got her beat hands down on oration and community organizer skills though.

Seriously. Let's put the two resumes next to each other and see which one can stand up to the light.

So the people are afraid that if McCain wins, and then keels over three months later that we could have (gasp) President Palin.

Funny as we're thinking the same thing about a President Obama right now on the experience front.

You'd feel dirty from all that gushing praise from Europinkos...

We on the right would take it where we could get it these days.

I'll take gushing praise from anyone. :P

Throw in a bit of grovelling and I'm all yours.
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Completely lost any chance of credibility with that first statement right there.

The beliefs of bloggers and posters on left wing sites such as Daily Kos and Democratic Underground are ABSOLUTELY what the Obama campaign supports. Where do you think they get half of the special interest funding? Mom and pop down the street in suburban USA? Really?

Obama is without question one of the most liberal members of the Senate (as evidenced by his voting record...the few times he actually bothered to vote) and one of the most liberal candidates ever for POTUS.

Oh, you may be near some sembalance of a factual statement when you say that his "campaign" doesn't represent that but why is that? Perhaps he can't afford to let his true colors show until after the election? Hmmm...I wonder why? I mean why can't Obama just come right out and campaign on a platform of gay marriage/pro choice?

And McCain is running a "negative" campaign for pointing out the obvious flaws of a candidate of Obama? Associations with people such as Ayers, Wright, and Rezko? Negative or just pointing out those pesky facts again?

We get a laugh on the right when the Obama supporters point that out. That it's "racist" or "negative" to clearly demonstrate that Obama isn't fit to be POTUS. Oooooh...those eeeeeevil Rethuglicans. Bastards.

As for the second statement, there's a difference between left "leaning" and left wing. Funny how the radicals in this country tend to come from the left wing isn't it? I mean how many right wingers in this country state just rabid sentiments the way the lefties do in this country? Not many I can assure you.

And if you doubt the veracity of that statement, please feel free to browse the net and find all of the comments attributable to those of us who are radical right wingers who state such memes like:
  • Bush will do away with the election to get a third term.
  • The Iraq War was ALL about Halliburton and Oil
  • Republicans will institute the draft if elected.
  • Republicans will round up all of the "dissenters" once they're in power and send them to "re-education camps." (That one's a favorite of mine.
  • 9/11 was an inside job.
  • The election was rigged via Diebold voting machines (that's a favorite too as it's very clear that left "leaning" organization ACORN is clearly (that's "factually" to you) committing voter fraud. Thankfully the FBI is on the case but I'm sure something won't come of it until after the election. Just in time to have my vote cancelled out. (n)
I could go on and on but I think you catch my drift. You don't see those sort of idiotic and frankly stupid comments from the right. Yeah, we'll have the occasional gaffe as no party is perfect but let me tell you something. We haven't based our political party around that sort of thought process. Unfortunately, the Dems have evolved over the years to the point of catering to the extreme left. It's their base. Even they'll tell you that.

You show me a left "leaning" person that doesn't believe one of the many talking points that the left has thrown out over the years and I'll show you someone who isn't left at all but either moderate/center or "leaning" to the right.

It's interesting. Awhile back I heard an interesting point that I think we've all heard by now. The saying goes:

"Not all muslims are terrorists but it's funny how all terrorists are muslims."

Well maybe not all Obama supporters are left wing but it's funny how all left wingers (beliefs and all) support Obama.

Bill, i'm trying to have a rational discussion here about the issue at hand, theres no reason for you to try and impugn my credibility. John McCain said himself in the debate that candidates can't be held responsible for what a minority of their supporters may believe. I don't think that the McCain campaign has been racist in any way, even though i've heard numerous McCain supporters make racist comments (both in news media and in person unfortunately). those comments have nothing to do with McCain as a candidate, just like the beliefs of Obama's extreme supporters shouldn't be held against him.

on the subject of obama being incredibly liberal (which i didn't realize we were arguing about until now), this surprised me too, but take a look at this US Presidential Election 2008

from an objective standpoint and based on his voting record, Obama really isn't all that liberal (just so you know, my dot fell somewhere near Kucinich's, so you can see what kind of a liberal wacko you're dealing with). that's not just some random site i dug up either, is highly reputable.

I personally find the Obama/Biden campaign's position on gay marriage highly dissapointing, but its likely just strategy so as not to alienate christian voters who may disagree on this issue despite clear economic alignment with the democratic platform. do you really think the president will have any impact on gay marriage anyways? many state constitutions already have provisions against gay marriage so it really doesn't matter either way. As for the issue of abortion, Obama has already clearly stated his position that he supports the right to choose, if necessary i'll dig up the exact quote from the debate where he says it specifically, but he didn't beat around the bush at all with that.

and look stop pointing out claims of racism etc from other barack obama supporters, i never once said that negativity from the McCain camp had absolutely anything to do with race, and i don't give a flying [Poor language removed] what other people say about it, so when people on here are arguing about it, i'd rather you didn't bring up useless superfluous details like that. negativity is an important part of any political campaign, the only point i was trying to make is that, in terms of the sheer proportion of negative ads, McCain definitely has the edge. I mean for [Poor language removed] sake, i never even said that it was a bad thing to run attack ads, i never [Poor language removed] said it was racist, i was just verifying a fact. By definition, an attack ad is negative Bill, its purpose is not to promote the individual running, but to denigrate their opponent. If John McCain was running against adolph hitler and pointed out his flaws in a commercial, it would still be an attack ad and would still be negative, so bringing up what you see as Obama's flaws has absolutely nothing to do with this.

all we're arguing about is negativity, policy positions don't apply in the least bit, hell i wasn't even trying to attack mccain on this point so i have no [Poor language removed] idea why you're being so adverserial about it.

your point about radicals is absolutely [Poor language removed] bullshit, so much so that i wouldn't dare try to argue the converse. radicalism does not follow party lines either, though you may see it as such. many of the main proponents of the cause arguing that 9/11 was an inside job, first of all, tend to be too jaded with american politics to vote at all (those who actually believe that definitely don't support barack obama, they seem him as just another pawn of the system). still others who believe 9/11 is an inside job are neo-conservatives, those who generally distrust the government and champion the government staying out of our lives, even to the point of suspecting them of grand treason. furthermore, there are just as many radical conservatives,

  • those who believe that global warming is a worldwide liberal conspiracy embraced by every major science journal,
  • that barack obama is the anti-christ
  • that barack obama is a muslim spy in cahoots with all the major middle eastern leaders
  • that stem cell research means that your tax dollars will go towards cloning

  • that the federal income tax isn't constitutional and thus noone actually has to pay it.
i could probably find more, but i really don't spend much time on neo-con sites. my point is that you can't categorize the majority of extremists as liberal or conservative, i'm sure you'd disagree with the far right extremists just as much as i'd disagree with the far left, this whole guilt-by-association game you're playing, by seemingly faulting all liberals for the beliefs of an insane few is just absurd.

as for the dems catering to the far left, any political scientist in america will tell you exactly how ridiculous that statement is. our very system of government lends itself to centrists parties, as you cannot win an election simply by appealing to your ideological base, moderate voters will always be essential. if anything, it'd probably be more logical to say that the republican party tends to focus further to the right, just because your middle of the road american is more likely to lean slightly to the right (see political compass).

having worked extensively on political campaigns, i can verify that the opinions of bloggers mean absolutely nothing, campaign managers realize that very few people actually read them, and that those who do rarey are influenced by them, so theres no point in even mentioning what they think in a discussion of the american political climate. just because crazed left wingers on line think something doesn't mean that the democratic party caters to them.

exactly what the [Poor language removed] does your point about islam being linked with terrorisim have to do with anything. barack obama is not a muslim, there's no need to bring up that point at all. even if you are trying to make some sort of analogous point, the premise of said analogy is completely flawed, if you consider:

  • Timothy McVeigh
  • The Irish Republican Army
  • Orange Volunteers
  • Tamil Tigers
  • Jewish Defense League
  • The Klu Klux Klan
im sure you were just trying to make an analogy, but statements like that still make me incredibly angry.

and yes, pragmatists on the far left tend to support barack obama, just as pragmatists on the far right tend to support john mccain, even if they don't align with every single one of the candidates views, its in their best interest to vote for the candidate most similar to them, which is precisely why american political parties focus on the center, because they know taht the ideological extremes will support the candidate closest to themselves anyways.

(the Downs Model is the basic premise behind all political science related to democracies with single-member districts. the model itself confirms this fact that political parties tend to move towards the center, because they know taht as long as they stay just to the right or left of the center, the radicals on their end will likely vote for them as they would disagree even more heavily with their opponent. thats why you're claim that the democratic party is somehow further to the left than the republican party is to the right is fundementally unsubstantiable, first because you never specified any sort of axis of orientation (i could for instance, define a moderate as ralph nader), and second because such an occurrence would defy the very nature of political parties.
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Bill, i'm trying to have a rational discussion here about the issue at hand, theres no reason for you to try and impugn my credibility. John McCain said himself in the debate that candidates can't be held responsible for what a minority of their supporters may believe. I don't think that the McCain campaign has been racist in any way, even though i've heard numerous McCain supporters make racist comments (both in news media and in person unfortunately). those comments have nothing to do with McCain as a candidate, just like the beliefs of Obama's extreme supporters shouldn't be held against him.

on the subject of obama being incredibly liberal (which i didn't realize we were arguing about until now), this surprised me too, but take a look at this US Presidential Election 2008

from an objective standpoint and based on his voting record, Obama really isn't all that liberal (just so you know, my dot fell somewhere near Kucinich's, so you can see what kind of a liberal wacko you're dealing with). that's not just some random site i dug up either, is highly reputable.

I personally find the Obama/Biden campaign's position on gay marriage highly dissapointing, but its likely just strategy so as not to alienate christian voters who may disagree on this issue despite clear economic alignment with the democratic platform. do you really think the president will have any impact on gay marriage anyways? many state constitutions already have provisions against gay marriage so it really doesn't matter either way. As for the issue of abortion, Obama has already clearly stated his position that he supports the right to choose, if necessary i'll dig up the exact quote from the debate where he says it specifically, but he didn't beat around the bush at all with that.

and look stop pointing out claims of racism etc from other barack obama supporters, i never once said that negativity from the McCain camp had absolutely anything to do with race, and i don't give a flying [Poor language removed] what other people say about it, so when people on here are arguing about it, i'd rather you didn't bring up useless superfluous details like that. negativity is an important part of any political campaign, the only point i was trying to make is that, in terms of the sheer proportion of negative ads, McCain definitely has the edge. I mean for [Poor language removed] sake, i never even said that it was a bad thing to run attack ads, i never [Poor language removed] said it was racist, i was just verifying a fact. By definition, an attack ad is negative Bill, its purpose is not to promote the individual running, but to denigrate their opponent. If John McCain was running against adolph hitler and pointed out his flaws in a commercial, it would still be an attack ad and would still be negative, so bringing up what you see as Obama's flaws has absolutely nothing to do with this.

all we're arguing about is negativity, policy positions don't apply in the least bit, hell i wasn't even trying to attack mccain on this point so i have no [Poor language removed] idea why you're being so adverserial about it.

your point about radicals is absolutely [Poor language removed] bullshit, so much so that i wouldn't dare try to argue the converse. radicalism does not follow party lines either, though you may see it as such. many of the main proponents of the cause arguing that 9/11 was an inside job, first of all, tend to be too jaded with american politics to vote at all (those who actually believe that definitely don't support barack obama, they seem him as just another pawn of the system). still others who believe 9/11 is an inside job are neo-conservatives, those who generally distrust the government and champion the government staying out of our lives, even to the point of suspecting them of grand treason. furthermore, there are just as many radical conservatives,

  • those who believe that global warming is a worldwide liberal conspiracy embraced by every major science journal,
  • that barack obama is the anti-christ
  • that barack obama is a muslim spy in cahoots with all the major middle eastern leaders
  • that stem cell research means that your tax dollars will go towards cloning
  • that the federal income tax isn't constitutional and thus noone actually has to pay it.
i could probably find more, but i really don't spend much time on neo-con sites. my point is that you can't categorize the majority of extremists as liberal or conservative, i'm sure you'd disagree with the far right extremists just as much as i'd disagree with the far left, this whole guilt-by-association game you're playing, by seemingly faulting all liberals for the beliefs of an insane few is just absurd.

as for the dems catering to the far left, any political scientist in america will tell you exactly how ridiculous that statement is. our very system of government lends itself to centrists parties, as you cannot win an election simply by appealing to your ideological base, moderate voters will always be essential. if anything, it'd probably be more logical to say that the republican party tends to focus further to the right, just because your middle of the road american is more likely to lean slightly to the right (see political compass).

having worked extensively on political campaigns, i can verify that the opinions of bloggers mean absolutely nothing, campaign managers realize that very few people actually read them, and that those who do rarey are influenced by them, so theres no point in even mentioning what they think in a discussion of the american political climate. just because crazed left wingers on line think something doesn't mean that the democratic party caters to them.

exactly what the [Poor language removed] does your point about islam being linked with terrorisim have to do with anything. barack obama is not a muslim, there's no need to bring up that point at all. even if you are trying to make some sort of analogous point, the premise of said analogy is completely flawed, if you consider:

  • Timothy McVeigh
  • The Irish Republican Army
  • Orange Volunteers
  • Tamil Tigers
  • Jewish Defense League
  • The Klu Klux Klan
im sure you were just trying to make an analogy, but statements like that still make me incredibly angry.

and yes, pragmatists on the far left tend to support barack obama, just as pragmatists on the far right tend to support john mccain, even if they don't align with every single one of the candidates views, its in their best interest to vote for the candidate most similar to them, which is precisely why american political parties focus on the center, because they know taht the ideological extremes will support the candidate closest to themselves anyways.

(the Downs Model is the basic premise behind all political science related to democracies with single-member districts. the model itself confirms this fact that political parties tend to move towards the center, because they know taht as long as they stay just to the right or left of the center, the radicals on their end will likely vote for them as they would disagree even more heavily with their opponent. thats why you're claim that the democratic party is somehow further to the left than the republican party is to the right is fundementally unsubstantiable, first because you never specified any sort of axis of orientation (i could for instance, define a moderate as ralph nader), and second because such an occurrence would defy the very nature of political parties.

I would have parsed your posted and responded to each point but since I don't quite know how to do this, the best I could do is bold each point and respond below.

1) I'm not impuging anyone's credibility here. Just responding. If I had said "ToffeestillIdie is full of crap...," That would be impuging your credibility.

2) I didn't realize we were arguing about it so much it was a stated point. I don't think anyone disputes that Obama is liberal by today's definintion and McCain is moderate by today's definition (i.e. he's no conservative.)

3) Wow really? You said it, not me.

4) I do and here is why. As you know, the President has the power to appoint Supreme Court justices. We'll more than likely have two vacancies (Ginsburg and Stevens) once a new President is elected. What's to say that the Supreme Court won't make gay marriage federally legal? They've done it for abortion, what's next? I get extremely concerned when law is "made" from the bench, not "interpreted." I wonder why that up until the Bush was trying to get his choices confirmed, most justice nominees were confirmed with a minimum of fuss (Thomas and Bork being the exception). Going out on a limb (being sarcastic there) but my guess is that the Dems didn't want any more conservative types on the bench. Why? Would prevent them from bypassing the will of the people when trying to get laws made. Hey, when your (i.e. liberal) ideas constantly fail in the court of public opinion (i.e. voting) why not just pass up the voter process altogether and get the Supreme Court to make it into law. Roe v. Wade comes to mind.

5) As I told you before, there are several occasions where in print, supporters of Obama have in no uncertain terms played the race card in their writing. I told you that I could fill this post up with links to said publications but if you need me to, I'd be happy to go find a few of the recent one's I've read. Believe me, when that sort of tripe comes out, it's posted on several of the blogs I read. It's out there. Believe it.

6) But is it really useless and superflous? I mean, I'd love to be able to know that I could vote against Obama without being told I have a problem with his race. Unfortunately, there are those in this country who have put a stake in the ground when it comes to that sort of thinking. "You can't possibly be voting against Obama due to any number of good reasons so it must mean you don't like him because of his skin color."

7) Fair point. You didn't say that. My mistake.

8) Ah but that's where you're in error. These "bullshit" (to coin your term) beliefs from those on the left (too bad you brought up Kucinich as he's a big conspiracy theory loon) aren't spouted by those on the right. You don't have those on the right saying that 9/11 was an inside job and that Republicans are trying to squash free speech, etc.... You just don't. It's always the left. Always. Can you explain that to me?

9) Ooooh..goody. I get to answer questions...
  • Global Warming. Hasn't not been PROVEN scientifically and there is no "consensus" amongst experts in meteorology and related fields. But Al Gore says it's happening (hey, you might have seen his movie about it) so it must be so. Embraced by every major scientific journal? Really? They aren't lefties are they? I know you're not a neophyte when it comes to the net so I'm sure that you can easily Google up the many opinions of those who disagree with the "consensus" views. Funny how they aren't published. Don't you think?
  • Barack Obama the antichrist? I don't think so.
  • Barack Obama a spy? I don't think so.
  • Stem Cell tax dollars to go to cloning? Well they better not be taxing me for stem cell research. Why you ask? If stem cell research had any potential, do you not think that the private drug companies would be all over the possibilities. I mean they could make millions. Seriously. The fact that they aren't spending much in R&D on stem cell research tells me that they don't think there's much opportunity in the field for progress and hence, spending more money in R&D. But hey, if we can't get the greedy drug companies to look into it purely from a financial standpoint, let's tax John Q. Taxpayer to throw billions away. You see where I stand on Stem Cell research.
  • Federal Income Tax not constitutional? Don't know much about that one but I pay my taxes every year.
10) An insane few? You sure on that?

11) I guess I stated the obvious there huh?

12) Now I know that you just didn't fall off the turnip truck. There are politicians who've gone out of their way to accommodate the blogosphere and get involved with the blogs. I can't imagine that any campaign manager, Rep or Dem, would tell his candidate that those bloggers don't matter. Heck, Harry Reid and others have had guest commentary on Kos. And they don't matter? I don't know how long it's been since you've been involved in a political campaign but things have changed a bit since then.

13) That's all it was, an analogy. Nothing to do with anything other than that.

I don't really have the first clue about politics in this country so to be honest i know [Poor language removed] all about American politics other than brief bits which i see on the news/read in the papers and what i read on here.

So as an outsider all i see is "blah blah blah you said this and you're that, whine moan cry no i didnt you did and you are" which seems to come straight out the playground.

Not having a go at any of you guys posting in this thread, its just that i try to educate myself and learn whats going on but just get put off by the constant petty fighting.

Shouldn't it be about doing what is best for the country and its people not scoring victories over your rivals? Or is that just a ignorant comment about something i know nothing about. Although i'm pretty sure thats just the way politics is and we all have to like it.
Really? You don't by chance support Obama this election do you?

You really do need to peruse the left wing sites a bit more and you'll see the negativity started quite awhile back. Hillary was their first target and once they got past her, they moved on to McCain.

But make no mistake, Obama's campaign has been every bit as negative as McCain's.

Oh, and I'm sure I won't need to remind you how they kicked it into overdrive once Palin was named as his running mate.

Despicable is too nice a word to describe the focus they had on her family. She's fair game. Family isn't.

Make no mistake, when it comes to vitrol and personal attacks, the left wingers in this country take the cake every election. Fact.

News to me - Try researching Carl Atwater or that complete [Poor language removed] Rove's career - the man who singlehandedly is responsible for several dozen dirty campaigns to elect Republicans into high office across the USA in the last 20+ years - this time round the Republican [Poor language removed] stirring just ain't gonna work - and thank heavens for that.
News to me - Try researching Carl Atwater or that complete [Poor language removed] Rove's career - the man who singlehandedly is responsible for several dozen dirty campaigns to elect Republicans into high office across the USA in the last 20+ years - this time round the Republican [Poor language removed] stirring just ain't gonna work - and thank heavens for that.

Mwuahahahaha...Karl Rove. Evil Genius. Atwater was before my time so I don't know much about him.

Rove however has been credited with a great many things. Most of which were to destroy the left in this country. Unfortunately, about 95% of the things he's been accused of have no basis in fact.

If they did, the Republicans would have a stranglehold on the entire political process and Obama wouldn't be anywhere near the Presidency like he is today. We'd have a vast majority in both the House and the Senate as well as around the country in various Governor positions. He's smart but he isn't that smart and he isn't that good.

And "[Poor language removed] stirring?" Taken straight out of the Democratic playbook on campaigning I presume.

Tell me, how many members of the media as well as Republican dirty tricks squads went flocking to Delaware to dig up dirt on Joe Biden when he was announced as Obama's VP running mate? I'll answer for you. None.

Now, how many members of the media as well as Democratic dirty tricks squads (I repeat myself) went flocking to Alaska to dig up dirt on Sarah Palin when she was announced as McCain's VP running mate?

Joe The Plumber ring a bell TD? Look him up.

Sorry TD but the Dems have that page in the playbook down cold.

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