My PSs have basically been Fallout machines, I sometimes feel like I'm plugged into the SSS Esperanto. Something about the games just draw me in, and I can happily spend hours simply walking around, sniping stuff from far away.A while back I asked for suggestion for games on a new (to me) ps4. For the last 14 years I've almost exclusively played PES. I specifically said I didn't want a game where I had to go around searching for stuff. Did that in the 90s and got bored of it.
Spotted a game on ebay for £2 which piqued my interest. Fallout 4. I can see why nobody suggested it as a key part if the game is retrieving and recycling materials in a post apocalyptic world, but good crikey I'm absolutely absorbed.
I want a Codsworth in real life!
As of best games ever, obvs Fallout 3 to 4 are in there, but I think the game that cemented my love of creeping around was Tenchu: Stealth Assassins. I though Assassin's Creed would be a modern day version, but imagine my dismay when I found out there wasn't even a crouch button...