I rage quit and rage uninstalled Divinity Original Sin 2, probably going to reinstall but it's 58gb ffs, I've got the first one in so might play through that first.
These are my type of games, maybe I just don't have the patience for long battles anymore or I have become so used to action games that the turn based system and tactical system need getting used too, either way, yeah it's me lolThe first one isn’t any easier. I think maybe those games are just a bit beyond you lol
You can put it in story mode and just enjoy the story mate - it’s worth it to be fair!I rage quit and rage uninstalled Divinity Original Sin 2, probably going to reinstall but it's 58gb ffs, I've got the first one in so might play through that first.
I have it on PS if you’d fancy a game sometime mate!Sound. PS?
I tried but found it too easy but classic too hardYou can put it in story mode and just enjoy the story mate - it’s worth it to be fair!
I wouldn’t buy a used condom from anyone. At least I don’t think so
They're rated well on Trusted Reviews at 4.6. I thought that was pretty good
What's so hard about it mate? Was looking at getting that (think I saw it recommended on here as legit great RPG game) and thought the turn-based structure would be pretty mellow?I rage quit and rage uninstalled Divinity Original Sin 2, probably going to reinstall but it's 58gb ffs, I've got the first one in so might play through that first.
I was chatting to one of their sales advisors about the PSU as it’s only 550W. He sent me a quote back with the PSU and he’s upped it to 750W free of charge, but he’s also reduced the RAM from 16GB to 8GB for some inexplicable reason lolScan are fine. Ordered plenty of stuff from them over the years.
Overclockers U.K. is the place to avoid, usually overpriced but more importantly it’s run by wronguns and their forums are chock full of grim conservatives who spend all day going on about how bad black people, muslims and libs are.