Another common theme is people presenting unverified insinuations that Bill Gates, military athletes, Chinese microbiologists, the entire worlds media and governments are all working together to kill everyone for an as yet unnamed motive. And they also appear to have the temerity to put the burden of proof on the people laughing at their spurious claims without offering one iota of evidence of their own, other than some "coincidences" which can be debunked in a 30 second google searchIt's been a theme running throughout this thread. The only thing that appears to have been verified is that nobody has been able to verify where this coronavirus has come from, and that people are only able to put forward unverified hypotheses at this time.
Nobody has come up with a formula in which a particular hypothesis can be subject to a calculation that details its probability in the form of a percentage. You have tried to, but it's not based on anything, and has no validity.
But hey, thats internet forums for you