Conspiracy theories

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I've probably posted this before, but some of the people that get caught up in this, it's pretty sad tbh.

It's one thing to be cautious of the government and the 'elite' , but when you really go off the deep end like some of these people, there's usually family members who are caught up in it all.

I saw a particular 'reaction' YouTuber (bear with me here!) who actually made a very good observation about the amount of people who go head first into the deep end of the QAnon style conspiracies having other serious trauma in their lives. Like the Q rabbit hole becomes their escape and the other QAnoners their family.

That first woman he interviews... it's actually heartbreaking to see :(

This short article is illuminating and gets at what you and @Amw79 have discussed here:

Yeah, when you did that ⬆️, that was the point you lost all credibility.
That Guardian article, written by a guest commentator, that dholliday thinks is good and full of "hard logic" is utter horseshit. It read it 3x just to see if I was missing something. Going from social tolerance to China's lack of industrial revolution to "southern Europe" to littering. Total nonsense dressed up as some insightful expose of social was like reading an aspiring Jordan Peterson. Laughably bad.

That Guardian article, written by a guest commentator, that dholliday thinks is good and full of "hard logic" is utter horseshit. It read it 3x just to see if I was missing something. Going from social tolerance to China's lack of industrial revolution to "southern Europe" to littering. Total nonsense dressed up as some insightful expose of social was like reading an aspiring Jordan Peterson. Laughably bad.
Oh, so it similar to davek then?
No. No. No.
This 'Guardian' as a left leaning paper is nonsense.
It's looks Far-Left nowadays. Put it through the Political Compass Test.

Historically yes, but since the left only had marginal representation post Blair and Mandelson
Tho' I agree with your thinking here, considering how they attempted to destroy Corbyn (who I broadly supported, by the way). They went all-in on him supporting anti-semitism, which seemed bonkers to me. To this day I don't fully understand what went on there, why would they be against him so when they appear to support his policies?

Just what was your epiphany?
about what exactly? The trio of the 2015/6 Migrant Crisis, Brexit & Trump certainly opened my eyes to a lot of bullshit, and generally how narratives are formed and maintained....and how those narratives main objective appears to be to create polarisation among the public.

All that 'seperates' left from right is the left generally speaking want to help those persecuted while the right are belligerent weirdos so frightened by difference that their very existence becomes threatened and they find a scapegoat(s) to blame.
Are you sure one side is good and the other side is bad?

Seems very simplistic.

From my perspective, this has happened (me being in the middle):


"May temporarily reduce sperm concentration and motilty" is an acceptable side effect of a drug/vaccination.
you do you.
In the article you sent, if you scroll down, you see a feminist/womens organisations explicitly rejected the idea that this was down to ethnic minorities.
All the police reports (stemming from victims' reports) indicate otherwise.

And yes, mass rapes happen in cities every day. That is what womens experiences show us. They also happen at most big events. Oktoberfest was one specific example. You have groups of men in a space, and they rape women. That's the reality.
The reality is Oktoberfest's sexual assaults number in the single-digits, while the New Years' assaults numbered in the thousands.

I'm sure you wont like that, as many people dont like it, but I cant really sugarcoat the truth. You just have to find a way to handle it.

In the same post you then start saying that essentially women shouldn't have control over their bodies as it's more complex (via abortion). Its not. It's very simple, either you believe women have human right, and bodily autonomy or you dont.
It's not simple, or do you support a pregnant woman's right to abort her 7-month-old foetus as she's decided she's not ready for motherhood after all?

Do you support women like that having that choice?

I'm interested if you will respond.

For the record, I personally support the woman's right-to-choose within the first trimester, tho' I think it's an immensely sombre serious subject (ending a life, after all). The raucous celebrations of many supporting the passing of Ireland's Abortion Act of 2018 felt ugly and inhumane.

I also support any abortion required to defend the health of the mother-to-be, or where the unborn child has confirmed serious health issues.

I don't support abortion as a general contraceptive method, hence I support its outlawing to be used as such for pregnancies after the first-trimester. Mothers-to-be who don't wish to keep the child, and who are not facing any potential health complications, have the option to give the child over to adoption services.

Human life is sacred...abortion is a very tricky subject to navigate as two human lives are involved.

The recent US Supreme Court Ruling merely lets democracy decide (i.e. the States, i.e. who the people vote into power there). Many US States, especially Blue ones, have more liberal Abortion laws than most of Western Europe.

So what's all the fuss about?

Polarisation...that's what the fuss is about...the conspiracy theorists (to get this back on track) maintain that divide-&-rule (via polarisation) is the key to having more control over the masses. I think I might broadly agree with this.

It seems obvious which you think.
Did the above match what you thought I'd obviously say?

But either way, you cant hand ring about the horrors of rape, say the exact opposite thing the victims of rape and those who support them say, not support their right to bodily autonomy and expect not to be called a complete hypocrite.
What are you on about? Where did I say these things?

Missed the drama in here last night (sadly), which has now relocated to The Arena.

But just my two-penneth worth on the reappearance of Q, of QAnon fame.

I had the pleasure of reading a couple of books on QAnon, written by those within the community, true ‘red-pilled’ folk to use the vernacular. Think I actually posted in here about it at the time, and recall I was a bit worried about me seeing some truly convincing evidence of Q’s veracity, and being compelled to buy into the community.

Kinda goes without saying that it’s all proper horsesh!t, and even the strongest “Q proofs” are a woeful combination of vague prophecy, numerology and biblically referenced coincidence, at best.

It seems, from what I’ve read last couple of days, that the new Q posts, have been demonstrated to have been posted by Jim Watkins, or at the least, an admin for 8chan (I’m not techy enough to understand the evidence showing this, but those in the know seem to be convinced that Jim has left it indisputable that he’s the originator of the posts).

There’s seemingly now a split in the QAnon community of those who think it’s been Jim all along, and the true believers who think Jim has ‘hijacked’ the Q account for his own purposes.

To those who might think this is mainly harmless stuff, or a fringe belief, I’d argue that’s not the case. Aside from individual cases I could cite of people actually committing acts of violence after being drawn into this community, there’s a much deeper problem of the ease of radicalisation into quasi-religious conspiracy thinking that many have fallen for, and the immense damage done to families as a result of this.

QAnon style thinking is now literally embedded in the US halls of power, and this is extremely dangerous.

Good post! Agree mostly, also that in individual cases there's been damage done...but on the bigger scale I think Qanon is totally overrated/overfeared. In the US halls of power it's not necessarily Qanon-style thinking embedded, it's traditional hard-right conservative politics: very distrusting of modern liberal ideals.

Thanks mate. But maybe I’m just “controlled opposition” working from within.
The one that makes me cringe most is when a Q-drop is plainly wrong, and they defend it with "disinformation is necessary".

One of the things I find compelling however, is the amount of dramatic-spy-thriller-sounding buzz phrases that are in constant use among the community, often paraphrased from the Q-drops:

we have it all
military is the only way
How many coincidences until mathematically impossible?
It had to be this way.
The solution won't be for everyone.
Sometimes you can't tell the public the truth, YOU MUST SHOW THEM.

...and the most [in]famous of all: trust the plan.

These, and many others, are regularly invoked to loosely relate to any current news-event...they further the mythology quite effectively, and make the Anons (Q-followers) feel quite at home as they mutually feel like they're speaking a secret language to each other.

It's all quite basic, tho'...still, would make for an entertaining conspiracy-blockbuster ala Robert Ludlum.

It’s not even vaguely convincing if you squint a bit, and give it the benefit of the doubt.
Yeah, agreed...and I've tried (out of curiousity), but there's not a single Q-Drop that has me thinking maybe there's something to it.

Maybe what Q does is get folk to question official narratives...that is not necessarily a bad thing (as long as they don't let it dominate their lives or ruin their relationships).

they openly talk about Trump being specifically picked by God to destroy Satan (the libs). It’s pretty scary stuff, when you think about the numbers who have bought into it.
To be fair, this is a 'fight' which is fought with glee (boredom?) by both sides. See this piece from the Lib side of things:

are satanists now the good guys in the fight against the evangelical right?
thank ee kindly.

I think I've just realised who your previous moniker was.

I set my watch and warrant on it!

Good to have you back

Yeah, when you did that , that was the point you lost all credibility.
Did what?

That Guardian article, written by a guest commentator, that dholliday thinks is good and full of "hard logic" is utter horseshit.
I said his comments were "full of hard-logic", which is why he won the Readers' Poll. I think the article's message was amusingly prescient, given that he was banned due to The Guardian's intolerance of his posting style. Further, I think the question he asks - is intolerance a virtue (or is tolerance overrated?) - a very interesting one. I'd approach it differently myself.

It read it 3x just to see if I was missing something.
Wow, well that's dedication at least.

it was like reading an aspiring Jordan Peterson.
It is notable how often JP is invoked in this way. He's really hit a nerve with many of yous.

For the record, the MAM article was written in 2009, a good few years before JP became a household name.
All the police reports (stemming from victims' reports) indicate otherwise.

The reality is Oktoberfest's sexual assaults number in the single-digits, while the New Years' assaults numbered in the thousands.


It's not simple, or do you support a pregnant woman's right to abort her 7-month-old foetus as she's decided she's not ready for motherhood after all?

Do you support women like that having that choice?

I'm interested if you will respond.

For the record, I personally support the woman's right-to-choose within the first trimester, tho' I think it's an immensely sombre serious subject (ending a life, after all). The raucous celebrations of many supporting the passing of Ireland's Abortion Act of 2018 felt ugly and inhumane.

I also support any abortion required to defend the health of the mother-to-be, or where the unborn child has confirmed serious health issues.

I don't support abortion as a general contraceptive method, hence I support its outlawing to be used as such for pregnancies after the first-trimester. Mothers-to-be who don't wish to keep the child, and who are not facing any potential health complications, have the option to give the child over to adoption services.

Human life is sacred...abortion is a very tricky subject to navigate as two human lives are involved.

The recent US Supreme Court Ruling merely lets democracy decide (i.e. the States, i.e. who the people vote into power there). Many US States, especially Blue ones, have more liberal Abortion laws than most of Western Europe.

So what's all the fuss about?

Polarisation...that's what the fuss is about...the conspiracy theorists (to get this back on track) maintain that divide-&-rule (via polarisation) is the key to having more control over the masses. I think I might broadly agree with this.

Did the above match what you thought I'd obviously say?

What are you on about? Where did I say these things?

1) No they dont. Men rape women. Thatsb what's shown

2) Only dozens raped, that's alright then. Obviously nothing to worry about. Those victims dont count.

3) The truth is the Truth mate. Refugees did not rape women in Germany, as was alleged.

4) I support womens right to bodily autonomy.

5) "Human life is sacred" why wer babies in Ireland shoved down toilets by anti-abortion religious groups then? It's pure hypocrisy mate.

6) Where is the democratic decision to say that 12 year old rape victims of peadophilia should not be able to have an abortion? Can you share that?
Do you support that decision?

7) Roughly what youd say yes. You called women being happy about having some bodily autonomy "ugly and inhumane". You state that you want to restrict womens bodily autonomy, in situations. You also seem to be supporting the SCOTUS decision, which puts women and children's lives in danger. So yes, you said what I expected.

8) I mean above, you have essentially just dismissed the victims of Oktoberfest as unimportant.

I care about mens violence against women and girls. Right wing men/groups are a big problem, and riddled with peadophiles and pro peadophile groups. They signpost their love for Trump, a guy who spoke glowingly of Epstein. It's a peadophile cult.
It's looks Far-Left nowadays. Put it through the Political Compass Test.

Tho' I agree with your thinking here, considering how they attempted to destroy Corbyn (who I broadly supported, by the way). They went all-in on him supporting anti-semitism, which seemed bonkers to me. To this day I don't fully understand what went on there, why would they be against him so when they appear to support his policies?

about what exactly? The trio of the 2015/6 Migrant Crisis, Brexit & Trump certainly opened my eyes to a lot of bullshit, and generally how narratives are formed and maintained....and how those narratives main objective appears to be to create polarisation among the public.

Are you sure one side is good and the other side is bad?

Seems very simplistic.

From my perspective, this has happened (me being in the middle):

View attachment 172090

you do you.
Yes, surprisingly, some people are good and some are bad. The ancients called it Yin and Yang, or Ma'at. It's that good v evil thing that's been going on for a bit now.
Wherever you are 'politically', it's intent.
1) No they dont. Men rape women. Thatsb what's shown
i didn't number my points, so not sure what you're referring to here.

2) Only dozens raped, that's alright then. Obviously nothing to worry about. Those victims dont count.
Another nonsense post.

firstly, where does "dozens" come from when I mentioned "single-digits"? Secondly, how do you get "nothing to worry about, those victims don't count" from anything I wrote?

You're inventing an argument I didn't make, so that your own argument can look good against it.

Very immature debating from you.

3) The truth is the Truth mate. Refugees did not rape women in Germany, as was alleged.

This is firstly not the truth, as confirmed by thousands of police reports and investigations.

Secondly, you basically are saying you don't believe the thousands of women who claimed assault.

This is what women have been saying for generations is the not believing them.

I'm trying to figure out what you're saying here...are you saying you believe these thousands of victims were assaulted by Western-looking men?


4) I support womens right to bodily autonomy.
Answer the you support women aborting as a form of post-conception contraception? i.e. if a 7-month pregnancy is no longer desired by the mother-to-be, the woman has full rights to abort legally and without question?

Answer that, if you can.

5) "Human life is sacred" why wer babies in Ireland shoved down toilets by anti-abortion religious groups then? It's pure hypocrisy mate.
I've no idea what you're referring to. You notice when I invoke some event or reference, I'll hyperlink it.

And if that abhorrent-sounding thing you say actually happened, that doesn't change my belief that human life is sacred. Why would you invoke such a thing as a means to counter my argument?

Strawman fallacy.

6) Where is the democratic decision to say that 12 year old rape victims of peadophilia should not be able to have an abortion? Can you share that?
Do you support that decision?
I said I support the woman's right to choose within the first trimester.

Such a case as you describe would presumably be identified well within that time-frame. Plus there's other factors to consider: under-age, and rape. Such unusual cases deserve a by-case analysis.

I don't support abortion beyond the first trimester as a choice, when the pregnancy is otherwise relatively normal (adult female, no health complications or rape issues). This is the most common form of pregnancy.

Did you know over 200,000 abortions are carried out every year in UK? Not many of those will be raped 12-year olds. Why would you invoke such a rare thing?

Strawman fallacy.

7) You called women being happy about having some bodily autonomy "ugly and inhumane".

They were wildly celebrating the chance to kill their unborn child, should they get pregnant by accident and not feel ready.

Like I said, it's a intensely sombre subject....or should be. Whooping and hollering about the chance to do such a thing felt wildly distasteful.

Seen as you're so keen on bodily autonomy, what's your view on being able to decide to not take the Covid-vaccine?

You state that you want to restrict womens bodily autonomy, in situations. You also seem to be supporting the SCOTUS decision, which puts women and children's lives in danger.
How does it put their lives in danger? What children are you referring to? Be specific.

No US State bans abortions if the woman's life is in danger. This won't change.

SCOTUS themselves haven't changed any abortion-law. Do you understand Roe vs Wade?

What has changed is this: abortion is not a constitutional right, therefore it's not within the jurisdiction of SCOTUS to decide over the States. Some Red States, like Texas, will move to ban all 'hobby' abortions. If an adult woman gets pregnant, is otherwise in good health (and not via rape etc), she won't be legally allowed to abort in Texas. She can abort in other States. If she cannot make it to other States, she will have to bring the baby to term (and give it up for adoption).

The only way she'd risk her life (outside of the norm) is if she decided to break the law and abort the baby herself, or via the Black Market.

If the majority of Texans feel this is unfair, they will move to make Texas a Blue State by democratical vote. If however the majority find this law fair, then those that do not must consider moving elsewhere.

That's life. That's not risking life. Contraception before conception will become much more important.

8) I mean above, you have essentially just dismissed the victims of Oktoberfest as unimportant.
Where did I do that?

You was conflating Oktoberfest sexual-assaults as on par with the Köln assaults...but the difference between 5-10 victims, and 1200 victims, is so vast anyone with any sense of fairness wouldn't move to compare them.

When I pointed out this difference, you then claim I'm belittling those 5 or 10 victims (all the while you're missing the fact that you've belittled 1200 victims).

That logic in your head is quite something.

Right wing men/groups are a big problem, and riddled with peadophiles and pro peadophile groups. They signpost their love for Trump, a guy who spoke glowingly of Epstein. It's a peadophile cult.
...and it just gets worse. Feel like I'm debating with a child.

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