1) No they dont. Men rape women. Thatsb what's shown
i didn't number my points, so not sure what you're referring to here.
2) Only dozens raped, that's alright then. Obviously nothing to worry about. Those victims dont count.
Another nonsense post.
firstly, where does
"dozens" come from when I mentioned
"single-digits"? Secondly, how do you get
"nothing to worry about, those victims don't count" from anything I wrote?
You're inventing an argument I didn't make, so that your own argument can look good against it.
Very immature debating from you.
3) The truth is the Truth mate. Refugees did not rape women in Germany, as was alleged.
This is firstly not the truth, as confirmed by thousands of police reports and investigations.
Secondly, you basically are saying you don't believe the thousands of women who claimed assault.
This is what women have been saying for generations is the problem...
men not believing them.
I'm trying to figure out what you're saying here...are you saying you believe these thousands of victims were assaulted by Western-looking men?
4) I support womens right to bodily autonomy.
Answer the question...do you support women aborting as a form of post-conception contraception? i.e. if a 7-month pregnancy is no longer desired by the mother-to-be, the woman has full rights to abort legally and without question?
Answer that, if you can.
5) "Human life is sacred" why wer babies in Ireland shoved down toilets by anti-abortion religious groups then? It's pure hypocrisy mate.
I've no idea what you're referring to. You notice when I invoke some event or reference, I'll hyperlink it.
And if that abhorrent-sounding thing you say actually happened, that doesn't change my belief that human life is sacred. Why would you invoke such a thing as a means to counter my argument?
Strawman fallacy.
6) Where is the democratic decision to say that 12 year old rape victims of peadophilia should not be able to have an abortion? Can you share that?
Do you support that decision?
I said I support the woman's right to choose within the first trimester.
Such a case as you describe would presumably be identified well within that time-frame. Plus there's other factors to consider: under-age, and rape. Such unusual cases deserve a by-case analysis.
I don't support abortion beyond the first trimester as a choice, when the pregnancy is otherwise relatively normal (adult female, no health complications or rape issues). This is the most common form of pregnancy.
Did you know over 200,000 abortions are carried out every year in UK? Not many of those will be raped 12-year olds. Why would you invoke such a rare thing?
Strawman fallacy.
7) You called women being happy about having some bodily autonomy "ugly and inhumane".
They were wildly celebrating the chance to kill their unborn child, should they get pregnant by accident and not feel ready.
Like I said, it's a intensely sombre subject....or should be. Whooping and hollering about the chance to do such a thing felt wildly distasteful.
Seen as you're so keen on bodily autonomy, what's your view on being able to decide to not take the Covid-vaccine?
You state that you want to restrict womens bodily autonomy, in situations. You also seem to be supporting the SCOTUS decision, which puts women and children's lives in danger.
How does it put their lives in danger? What children are you referring to? Be specific.
No US State bans abortions if the woman's life is in danger. This won't change.
SCOTUS themselves haven't changed any abortion-law. Do you understand Roe vs Wade?
What has changed is this: abortion is not a constitutional right, therefore it's not within the jurisdiction of SCOTUS to decide over the States. Some Red States, like Texas, will move to ban all 'hobby' abortions. If an adult woman gets pregnant, is otherwise in good health (and not via rape etc), she won't be legally allowed to abort in Texas. She can abort in other States. If she cannot make it to other States, she will have to bring the baby to term (and give it up for adoption).
The only way she'd risk her life (outside of the norm) is if she decided to break the law and abort the baby herself, or via the Black Market.
If the majority of Texans feel this is unfair, they will move to make Texas a Blue State by democratical vote. If however the majority find this law fair, then those that do not must consider moving elsewhere.
That's life. That's not risking life. Contraception
before conception will become much more important.
8) I mean above, you have essentially just dismissed the victims of Oktoberfest as unimportant.
Where did I do that?
You was conflating Oktoberfest sexual-assaults as on par with the Köln assaults...but the difference between 5-10 victims, and 1200 victims, is so vast anyone with any sense of fairness wouldn't move to compare them.
When I pointed out this difference, you then claim I'm belittling those 5 or 10 victims (all the while you're missing the fact that you've belittled 1200 victims).
That logic in your head is quite something.
Right wing men/groups are a big problem, and riddled with peadophiles and pro peadophile groups. They signpost their love for Trump, a guy who spoke glowingly of Epstein. It's a peadophile cult.
...and it just gets worse. Feel like I'm debating with a child.