Does the vaccine temporarily reduce sperm concentration and motility by a greater or lesser extent than the actual virus?
You tell me, jebus.
Hence why, after that wee diatribe, I believe you to spout utter bollix at every opportunity.
I demonstrated that the conservative Right, a massive chunk of the population, feel in the
moral right when it comes to the contraceptive-abortion the saving of a child's life outranks the feelings of a grown woman (assuming no health/rape issues, which are the vast majority).
This appears in stark contrast to your blanket statement on the Left being the good guys and the Right being the bad guys. Which statement is therefore more bollocks?
It's all not so black 'n white. Both sides can't be
right. But it seems very unlikely (and unusual, considering the complexities of human nature) for one side to be absolutely right, and the other absolutely wrong.
This polarisation keeping with the conspiracy-theme of this intentional. It's an intentional media-driven strategy to reduce people's thought-ability to basic black-n-white structures (like an Orwellian Thought Police, complete with language-control). A population with reduced thought, with a lack of nuance in their thinking, will more readily target
the other (with opposing views) rather than who, or what, is driving this polarisation in the first place.
The pandemic was itself a real eye-opener...nuance was dead. Considering the perspectives of others with different views was utter taboo. The dehumanising of the unvaccinated was accepted & promoted by the same side who usually (loudly) decry such a thing...the same side who often have Pride/Ukraine/BLM flags in tribute.
Polarisation is the real enemy here. Not the Right (not the Left if you're a conservative). This polarisation is no accident.
It's a conspiracy theory now...but I have a funny feeling there's something really to it.
If you actually believe what you have written, then I hope you truly do feel comfort in the pain of others, because it appears, that's what drives you on.
So from everything I've written (and I've tried to be precise & thoughtful) your take is that I'm
"driven by feeling comfort in the pain of others"?
I shouldn't be surprised...but it still surprises me, such statements.
By extension I suppose you believe that all conservative-thinking people also
feel comfort in the pain of others, that this comfort
drives them. This is handy, isn't it? It means you can automatically discount the views of any conservative-minded fellow. No need to get into a detailed debate. No need to understand the other point of view. Easier to vote for your side then, even if some issues may have iffy takes...
In case anyone needs it: no, of course I don't feel comfort in the pain of anyone. I strive to be empathetic, and sympathetic, to all people and all views within the realms of reason & moral fairness. This used to be common. I believe it still is, but is in danger of dying out in favour of the polarisation-ideal which has dominated online-communications, and which is catching up fast to the real world.
This polarisation-ideal we see in the reaction to the SCOTUS decision. Two sides: one winning...gloating and gleeful. One losing...outraged and ready for a fight. Barely anywhere do we see a balanced view.
And now on to the next big topic, whatever it may be. Choose a side, and damn the other one.