Personally I think football ended once sponsorship became part of the game, the more it increases the more corrupt footballing institutions have become.
Clubs aren’t community based anymore they are corporations and investment vehicles, the point isn’t about being successful from a sporting point of view. The whole thing is a bit of a cabal with everyone getting fed of the gravy train.
International football went around the late 90s, club football is getting worse and worse every year, you get the odd bolt from the blue, but against the odds. I reconciled football becoming less of a sport a long time ago and I feel sorry for anyone under 30 to be honest, they will never know a true, real authentic sporting competition.
I get my kicks these days, with the likes of Gordon breaking through, watching some sublime players like KDB etc - but I dont really care who wins the league or CL or WC for that matter like I used to, there not real competitions anymore, the decks are stacked - so lacks sporting authenticity and integrity.