Probably just his way of letting off steam after a big night delivering presents. Hope he gives it a rinse in the sea afterwards.Is it true that Santa Claus comes on a surf board in Australia?
New cocktail menu at my local bogan pub. Would have to be very thirsty to order a [Poor language removed] on the lawn.
Was he Shelving pingas?He introduced me to the word 'pingers', which is both hilarious and deplorable. Then 'bloody oath', already knew 'strewth'.
Organically discovered 'hoon'. It's a nonsense slang, but I much prefer em to mockneys/cockneys.
Isn't the correct GOT answer - no, on yer maIs it true that Santa Claus comes on a surf board in Australia?
lol lol lol
Exactly. They look worse than the reality. Pretty amazing how they can squeeze into small gaps.If only that Huntsman had injected them with venom & digested them from the inside out.
Unfortunately the humble Huntsman is completely harmless. The poor thing has probably got perforated ear drums after that ordeal.
I just don't like crawlies though, arsed if he's harmless, he can get in the binIf only that Huntsman had injected them with venom & digested them from the inside out.
Unfortunately the humble Huntsman is completely harmless. The poor thing has probably got perforated ear drums after that ordeal.