The accent
The racism
The general pent up aggression everyone appears to have, always feels like it could kick off at the drop of a corked hat
I wasn't going to respond, then I was, then I wasn't. What the heck. Five minutes of my life I can't get back.
The accent - fair call, aspects of it annoy me. Regional Queensland is the worst. But is the Aussie accent any worse than Brummie?
The racism - this is where it gets interesting. Are you referring to the Cronulla riot; relations with the indigenous population? I raise you Notting Hill, Brixton, Southall, Toxteth, the National Front, British Movement, Britain First......Didn't the first black players on Merseyside get greeted with monkey noises - from their own supporters? What about the religious bigotry in Belfast, Glasgow & to a lesser extent Liverpool? There are issues in Australia like there is the world over. Relations with indigenous people has a complicated history, but don't believe everything you hear in the media. There is much good being done which gets little coverage. Aussie cities are very multicultural & for the most part everyone gets along fine.
The general pent up aggression everyone appears to have, always feels like it could kick off at the drop of a corked hat - oh my; where to begin & end. For all the tenacity in Aussie sport, fans have never been segregated, caged in the ground or escorted to & from the ground by cops. Why exactly was the term "English Disease" coined? Isn't London the stabbing capital of the world? Lads in Australia get p!ssed at the pub or a sporting event & a scrap breaks out like it does in Liverpool & everywhere else. Our towns & cities have all the problems associated with unemployment, crime, drugs, etc - jut like they do the UK. The vast majority of Aussies are laid back & easy going. I am in my mid-fifties & never had any problems throughout my life.
Behave yourself lad with your finger pointing of racism & aggression. You quite honestly have no idea what you are talking about, nor do you take into account your own backyard.