I'm not "talking as if" anything buddy, you assumed that. I mentioned travel as that's the main one spoken about and you were the one who mentioned going to the game initially. I actually went on to mention a few other reasons.
I know you mean well mate and I'm surprised you can't see the flaw in your line of thinking. I don't agree with passports and I'm not anti vax by any means either, nor right wing, the opposite in fact. I know many friends and family who have had the vaccine who disagree with the passport idea also. Most people I see zealously pushing it are doing so for self serving reasons and your last sentence proves that that's the case here too. Worth pointing out too that it's also a false ultimatum. There are many alternatives, our Govt are just useless.
We're all fed up with a year of this BS but passports aren't a good solution imo.
I feel that you're also overlooking that the vaccine doesn't stop transmission, as far as I'm aware, so what difference does a stadium with 100% vaccinated make against a stadium with 80% vaccinated? The people who are vaccinated will be safe no?