The left is about ensuring workers are protected and paid fairly against employers and corporations who, unchecked with free market capitalism, will tend towards slavery. The left is about the strong supporting the weak. Its about creating a civilised society with health care, good education encouraging critical thought and prioritising the greater good over personal acquisition and greed.; infrastructure over shareholder profits.
I'm left and always have been.
I begrudge the way the right try to imply that the left are responsible for the very vocal, virtue signalling, attention seeking irritating wordspouts that infest councils, media (I'm looking at you the BBC) and social media who believe the interests of a majority should bend to the interests of a minority. Such thinking, since it seeks to benefit the few at the cost of the many, is right wing in practice and an attempt at dividing society with squabbling distractions away from the real things that matter. Namely that the tories are selfish, sociopathic gobshites.
That is all.