Mine does not, I am not a lair ...... note the wording a handful of car insurers accept them ......on your link ......
Offer discounts on car insurance for those with dash cams.
But you need to look closely at the terms & conditions and make sure you have an insurance-approved dash cam. For example, only certain types of dash cams qualify or the discount may only apply for drivers under a certain age.
Many other insurers are yet to be persuaded that they should offer lower premiums. That said, they do point out the benefits of a dash cam for providing evidence to clear up claims.
Does having a dashcam in my car lower my car insurance? In short, no – it doesn't. We can't lower your insurance if you've got a dashcam, mostly because they're very small and portable, so they're not permanently fitted to your vehicle.
Not sure why insurance premiums would be lower just because you have a Dash-Cam. They are good if you have an accident, or want to perv on the ladies in their summer wear during the hotter months, but it's not like they make you a safer driver.