Formerly known as By God I'm Blue
Unlike you, I eventually realised that getting so bent out of shape and holding 12 year grudges isn’t worth it.No, its on topic mate. You're now a big fan of Moyes but the vaults says this is what you said about him when he left us when you were posting as By God I'm Blue:
Laughing now thinking back to his words about 'leaving everything in order for the new manager'.
Odious ****.
Willing to bet Kenwrong is feeling a bit daft about how he let Moyes manipulate him in his own personal glory quest. I totally believe that Moyes played on the shysters over emotional drivvel to get everything he wanted on his terms.
As if that wasn't enough, he is now back trying to take the p**s even more.
Like a woman who has left you when found cheating, been awarded the house, the kids and has now come back to take your new BMW.
(not happened to me I need to add at...
Says Moyes won't give up on Baines and may come back in with a 20m offer.
he has really screwed up this window hasn't he the daft ginger pr*ck!
You are entitled to change your opinion though...
When he came to try and take Baines and accused Everton of holding his career back I felt it was pretty disgraceful.
However It was 12 years ago and I seriously cba carrying on those same feelings at the age of 56 as It’s not that important any more.
Shall we go digging the vaults for your thoughts on Benitez when he was Liverpool manager?
Nah, because I seriously cba