I can say, with almost certainty, that he will have felt an immense feeling of shame because of what happened to him. To talk about it, and publicly, will be painful.Spot on, thankfully very few of us will have been through the kind of torment Dele has, I think he has shown great courage in going public with it and the notion that his people have invented it to garner sympathy is, quite frankly odious. From a footballing point of view, I don't think he will ever get back to anything like the player he once was, but, what an immense emotional burden he has to carry. It really isn't surprising he got himself into such a dark place over the past few years.
His issues with substance abuse will be a direct result of the trauma, and that itself is something incredibly hard to deal with before resolving the root cause.
And let's be clear, nobody forced us to sign him - we did it of our own will. At that point, we sign a contract where we have a moral responsibility to protect him.
In an ideal world, it would have worked out perfectly, but it didn't; nobody could have foreseen this, and ultimately we (like Dele) have to play the cards we're given.
Maybe he will become good, maybe he won't. Unless we support him, the chances of the former will continue to be slim, so those moaning should get behind it.
Away from him personally, while I can't and won't talk about specific examples or cases, some of the trauma adults and children go through is beyond the pale.
People live with this burden and have to try to reintroduce themselves to society the best they can, and it's only made harder when knobs don't show compassion.