So a Dental Hygienist not the same as the Dentist then?? I thought the first was a posh name for the second?.Don't think my UC qualifies me for one of those.
The dentist deals with your teeth under his fee for a checkup he can do the basic dental hygiene by hand s scraping plague away etc - no pain or unpleasant etc - no mechanical implement etc...
He will ask you about toothache etc or other problems - then inspect each tooth individually shouting g to to his assistant the condition of each tooth in code - he or then may x ray any teeth if necessary all totally painless that is covered cost wise for you on UC - even NHS charges are high you need to take your proof in that you are on eligibility for free treatment as they charge the government for all treatment...
Now if recommends you need to see his hy!gienenist as a necessity then you maybe covered I don't know plus some Dentist do not even have them?
They just do a basic hygiene themselves in your free routine NHS check up nothing to worry about