I haven't read all of the pages through this thread, but I'm going to do i think it's marvellous to have on here. I've suffered from depression as a teenager and it gradually grew worse as I got older. I suffered from panic attacks and agoraphobia. It came to a head seven years ago. I lost both parents and I deteriorated really quickly, I lost several stone in a couple of months and I started to hear voices.
I was sectioned under the mental health act and spent six years in Hospital. It's done me the world of good. I was discharged last year and I'm living in my own flat and things are going well, I have a social worker and support workers who see me regularly but I'm independent again and I can also manage to get out which is something I massively struggled with in the past.
Of course I still suffer with depression and also schizophrenia, I don't think they will ever go away fully, but it's just about reducing the symptoms so we can manage each day.
My love for the blues still remains the same, however I don't get that joy and start jumping up and down when we score no more. I hope to one day get them feelings back, I truly miss that feeling.
The most important thing we can do is talk, talk about how we are feeling and if we're feeling crap remember tomorrow is another day we don't know what that will bring, hopefully a better day