The two main reasons I love this thread are the posters who take time out to come and check on others and offer advice or even just an ear, and - although it’s never pleasant - seeing people come on here and get their burden(s) off their chest and into a post because I always think “there it is; they’ve made a great first step.” It is shocking and saddening to think of how many people never get that far.I started using drugs at thirteen but I’ve been addicted to hard drugs for around seven or eight years. Mostly cocaine but I have dabbled with opiates. I’m 31 so it’s all I really know at this point. I didn’t mean to come across as suicidal, I have no imminent desire to end my life. But I can’t see myself ever breaking the habit, regardless of optimism or wishful thinking, so it’s a fairly bleak situation. What I really needed was just to be able to type these things out and be honest because day to day I have to lie incessantly to hide my addiction.
You’re in here doing both of those things. You’re offering help and advice to others even while you’re going through your own stuff. You’ve also made a massive step in telling us what your problems are, and where your head is at in relation to reaching some kind of resolution.
The awareness you’ve shown about your own problems tells me that you’re closer to the right track than you’re ever likely to give yourself credit for.
I’ll tell you something else, that I’m sure you already know even if deep down: getting over something like this isn’t down to “optimism or wishful thinking”; it’s going to involve a number of awkward conversations, probably facing up to some crap stuff you’ve done, apologising to some people, going through some pretty spicy physical withdrawal symptoms and coming up with some kind of rough roadmap for your near future which stands the best chance of keeping you from falling back into those habits.
Like everyone on here I don’t know you from Adam, but I just have a funny feeling you’re going to do the graft and be fine. I sincerely hope I’m right. Keep us updated mate.