Anyone interested in my saga. My wife has had a miscarriage. Whilst I hate to be selfish or unkind I have no feelings whatsoever for her. It means she has been carrying my neighbours baby whilst still married to me less than 4 months after she disappeared. We have a 5 year old son and it's crackers. She also threatened to report me to the police for domestic abuse and to get a restraining order. Yet I have no desire to see or contact her and haven't even tried. She's a massive narcissist and I think it's all she has left in her artillery as I have managed to just switch off and not be effected by her craziness. Anyways I'm getting legal advice to get a divorce sorted. I feel really strong in all this. Stronger than I have ever felt. Bizarrely she has no emails or messages from me that are remotely threatening. There's a couple from a few months ago when I found out she had been sleeping with my neighbor calling her a few names. Goodness knows what she's been telling people but I'm not bothered my conscience is clear. Anyways, what a mad start to the year. I've been reading about stoicism and it's really helped me not respond or get anxious and only focus on what I can control.